Alright guys...this list of games I have played within the last year. No old games so sorry. If you want to find out, tell me and I will post it. Here I go: 10. Saints Row- Xbox 360: This is a fun and violent game. This made my list for 1 reason and 1 reason and go where ever you want. You can go anywhere in the city and do what ever you want there. You can rob a shop or hijack a car or attack another gang. This is the best copie cat of GTA ever made to date. 9. Halo 2-Xbox: Wow...this game berly made my list. This game is a revolutionary FPS for consoles and made online play on Xbox what it is. This game is fun and addicting and is perfect for single and when friends are over. 8 Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess- Wii: This is a great game for the Wii and brings the Zelda series back with a BANG. The motion controll lets you do things you always wish you could do like: aim the boomerang and bow and arrow. Also you swing the wiimote to swing your sword and shield. So if you have a Wii you have to have this game! 7. Red Steel-Wii: This game was Amazing! Everyone said it was bad because when they played they were so used to a controller they didn't give it a chance. So this game was better than people say and you should give it a chance! Also they motion controll makes you feel like you are in the game! 6. Wii Sports-Wii: Wii Sports is on this list because it shows what the Wii can do and it fun. Its great for playing with friends and has 4 sports to play. Even if it didn't with the Wii I would get it. 5. Super Smash Bros. Malee-Game Cube: This is the best party/ fighting game ever made for any system that you will never get bored off. Its perfect for when friends are over and single player is amazing and also have fun minigames. 4. Guitar Hero- PS2: This is the first game in the series. It would be lower but it doesn't have nearly as many songs as the second game. Although the songs are much better to play. So if you don't know weither to get this or the second I would say get this because its a little easier and better songs. 3. Hitman Blood Money- Xbox: This was my favorite game for quite a while. I have the others and dont like them nearly as much for this main reason, you can kill everyone and still pass. Also you do w/e you want to get your target. Great Game! 2. Counter Strike 1.6- PC: This game is pretty old but I am hooked on it. Its a first person shooter were you are a Counter Terrorist or Terrorist. T's plant the bomb and CT's defuse it...simple and fun!! Fun game if you have $10...get steam and this'll be addicted! 1. Guitar Hero 2- PS2 : This is with out doubt my favorite game out of every game I have ever played. If you dont know you have a guitar controller and hit the notes as they come across the screen. This is the most addicting game ever made....if you have a PS2 get this game! WOW!! What a long blog post....ohh well hope you like my list...
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