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ConformestClone Blog

I'm back!!!

Yes, I know. I've been gone for months. I bet very few of you even remember me. Oh well.
I'm back and I'm staying. All of those friends whom still remember me, contact me if you'd like. I just want to know which ones I should keep on my "Friends" list, and whom to eliminate.
Sorry for the long absense.

Rought Night

Alright, our school was putting on some one-act plays, 3 plays each night. Tonight I was doing the lights for one of these plays. The lights were extremely easy; turn them on, off, on, off. Simple enough, right? WRONG!

First off, we didn't have any ushers. Not a big problem, but just sort of a sign that this isn't going to turn out quite right.

After a while of waiting, we recieve call that the teacher (whom is the manager of the Auditorium that these plays take place in, and in one of the plays because an actor dropped out) is going to be late. Problem 1 with that is; we cannot get the cash register, so we call him up and ask where it is (after some chaos) after a little bit we get into the flow of things... or so it seems. Well, before the play starts, were are still missing the teacher, but he's in the last play... so we can do it. The sound person forgot to put on music, but once I get there to get him to turn on the music the play started, JOY!. Little problems one, by one, build up till the assistant house manager says "Hey, I'm going to give up the head-set (how the crew communicates without disrupting any plays or whatnot) to someone else. I need to take a walk." WHAT!?!? YOU'RE GIVING THE LIGHTS, AND SOUND QUES! ALONG WITH TELLING THE ACTORS WHOM HAVEN'T COMPLETELY MEMORIZED THEIR QUES TO GET ON STAGE! (WE ONLY HAD 3 WEEKS TO DO THIS IN). So we get him to stay, but he only stays til' near the end of the first play. He comes up to the booth (where we do lights) and hands the script to my friend Tyler. Tyler is already doing the lights for his play, someone else's, and has to do one of the spots because people decided not to show up! NOW he has to sit there, read the script and tell everyone when to do things. Oh joy! So I man the spot for him. (We only used them between plays when they were being introduced) now my play is starting in a couple minutes, no problem. Tyler gets up and gestures to man the spot for me, so I could get ready on the board to do the lights. Well, in mid thought he decides not to and I, thinking he was going to get it, drop the spot. The light goes straight up... $%#@...
Alright, now my play is starting, I bring up lights, and it goes pretty smoothly until half-way through when there is supposed to be a black-out and then I am supposed to turn the lights back on. Well, everyone who was in the booth (more people joined, but they were doing jack squat) were chatting away, so I didn't hear my que, and the actors were just standing there waiting to it to get dark. Once I hear them que me for the third time I get the lights off, then I get qued to bring lights back up. I hear them this time (thank god) so the people decide to start talking again... Luckly I read the script and this time I watched the play to know when it ends. Once my turn was up I just sat back and let everyone else screw the plays up.

Strange Dream

I dreampt that my school was taken by the Nazi's because they were mad about WW2, and decided a school in Oregon the best target (I figure they were high) anyway; they were draggin everyone in school to the school dungion (wtf right?), but I was running the other way (I'm such a rebel). I come accross my friend Torrey, and convince her to come along, so we run through the dense cround of captive school children and employees, to one of the entrances, and we see that all the exits are being covered by some Hitler Youth... We go around the school looking for a less-gaurded exit to sneak out of. Finally we reach one, and leave the building. But as we exit, we see a bunker where the nazi's are keeping the ammunition (wtf!?) we go over there and take a few granades and light the rest on fire (again, wtf?) then a Semi comes barrolling down the road straight for me and Torrey. Note: by now, for some unexplained reason Torrey is a super-model. I chuck the granades at the window hoping they will go through it into the cab and explode. But me and my athletically challanged body can't mannage this feat. DRATS! But for some reason; now the Semi is a double decker bus and we are in the top cab, and I am a woman (yet another, wtf?) So the now supermodel-torrey says "You go, I will light this on fire", so I do some sort of telleport, and she self-destructs... THE END
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