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Cool! I got my XBLive Gamer Card up!

Isn't that panda too cute...umm...ahem!

I mean, don't get too close to the panda. RAWR! He'll eat you alive! He's dangersous!

Check out my whol 410 points. Wow. I must be awesome..... .....huhhhhhh....

Guns don't kill people. Doctors do.

I normally delete every forward I get without reading it, but this one was from someone that had always observed my wishes of never receiving a forward. So I thought maybe it was something important, or at least interesting. I think it is pretty interesting. In fact, I love it!

>(A) The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000.
>(B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000.
>(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%.
>Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept of Health &! amp; Human Services
>(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes that's 80
>(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is
>(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%.
>Statistics courtesy of the FBI
>So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous
>gun owners.
>Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.

Racism: A Curse or a Disease?

Is anyone else tired of hearing about racism? I'm not saying it's a good thing, and I know that living in Oklahoma, I'm not as exposed to it as most, but I see it in the media all the time: "racism is bad, so let's give this culture this, then let's give this culture that." They are all the time pointing out the differences between different culture and drawing attention to racism. I'm not saying that we should ignore it altogether, but I think that drawing attention and giving "special services" to these "minorities" often impedes healing and promotes racism.

When racism is not necessarily talked about, but it is looked down upon, that is when it disappears. Again, let's look at Oklahoma as an example. We all look down upon racism, but we don't go around preaching against it, and saying "oh you poor little minority, can I give you help up?' Yes, everyone deserves equal oppurtunity, but that includes the non-minorities! Since we have this attitude, racism is near extinct. I'm 25 and I've only met a couple people I would label as racist, and actually they were both black. We need to give everyone an incentive to work, and most of their other problems will get better, as well as their quality of life. Giving someone a job they don't deserve or can't fully function in will only make it worse and hurt them in the long run, because people don't appreciate what they haven't earned by their own right.

A curse is something that can't necessarily be helped. A bad thing that is always doomed to happen or be a certain way. A disease is something that is detrimental and is spread from person to person. That's why I know that racism is not a curse, but a disease. It can be dealt with and cured, and I think the best cure is not to continually poke at it's sores, but just keep an eye on it and let the body sort itself out. We as the only race, the human race, are the body. It's time we started functioning together.

I feel left out because I have no abnormal social behaviors to blame on games

Subway's Jared says Nintendo made him do it. Apparently he can play games with only one hand and eat with his other. What a moron. It sure is the popular thing to blame games for stuff. Remember that law suit against McDonald's where the parents sued them because their little kids got fat. That's pretty dumb. I mean come on. They post the nutrition facts. You don't have to cram a cheeseburger down your 2 year old's mouth. What is wrong with our parents generation that they have to blame other people for their problems? It's an epidemic in American society, and I'm sure it doesn't stop there. I've heard some pretty ridiculous tales of British parents buying Mature rated games for their 10 year olds then blaming Rock Star when they get put in jail because they were too young (or not taught by their parents) to distinguish games from life.

Kids mimic others. It's what they do. What happens we, our children, and eventually grandchildren have been increasingly exposed to this idea of "I've done nothing wrong because I didn't even talk to my child about that" attitude? The media is constantly and increasingly taking blame and responsibility out of our hands. In my opinion that's not the way to a clean conscience. I want to know my mistakes so I can learn from them and teach others (especially my future kids) how to deal with it. It's times like this I'm almost glad my grandfather passed away so he wouldn't see the state our country is in. We preach about he we care about people, yet all we do is take advantage of others then pawn the consequences off to media, games, large conglomerates, or minorities. Excuse me while I go puke on a man's shoe, and blame it on my country. It'll be fine. He will just smile and say "Oh that's all right. It's cool to hate the US right now." And then I'll fight the compulsion to castrate him and boot him over the border. But I will fight the compulsion. Although, if I don't win, I'm sure it's someone else's fault...

Jared is a fat ****

Happy Anniversary, Super Happy Fun Time!

Next week we will be a year old! Thanks to all that made SHFT such a huge success (until unions almost destroyed us, of course). I've really enjoyed getting to know you guys, and we had a lot of fun with the board. If you have a hankering to say hello to some old buddies, stop by SHFT and give us quick hello for old time's sake. Super Happy Fun Time

King Kong |The Movie|

I have to say it's the best character development of Kong ever. I actually cared if he lived or died in it. They did an amazing job with Kong and his relationship with Anne too. It should have been about 30 min shorter though. Especially that dinosaur stampeded scene. Gimme a freakin' break! I don't need to see running dinosaurs for 10 minutes in a movie! And all those people would have been crushed.
The CGI was great and bad at the same time. Individual creation and landscapes were great, but they had trouble blending CGI with real footage which kinda cheapened it. The landscape when they left the New York harbor screamed 20 years ago miniatures. The only ridiculous part of the movie (besides the 25 foot tall gorilla of course), was the dinosaur stampede scene. It was so incredibly unrealistic I almost puked my face off.
The sound was great. If you guys have one of those 20 point surround theatres (or whatever they are), then see it in those while it's still out. There are several scenes where it really shines. You can hear Kong moving through the forest all around you, from the back to the middle to the front and all sides in the theatre.
If you've ever visited the zoo, and have seen just how human-like apes are, you will really appreciate the amount of detail they put into Kong's personality and subtle movements.

Overall, it was a really good movie, and one of those that you really have to see in the digital screen theatres to truly experience it. If you miss it in the theatres, then may God have mercy on your poor wretched soul.

King Kong: 8.0/10.0

Last night I played NFS: Most Wanted on my XBox 360...controller for PC

A co-worker is getting a 360 and I've been wanting a good contoller for my PC since my old Sidwinder Pro gamepad (the predecessor for the XBox controllers), so I brought a 360 wired conroller. I went home and dl'ed the drivers from and away I went not being able to play anything because no one supports it yet!!!! Woohoo! Pretty paper weight! Pretty...Prettyyy...Then I remember I had dl'ed the NFS: MW demo, so I installed it hoping the controller would work since the game was simultaneousle developed for the 360 and PC. Guess what? It worked. I didn't do anything. Just started a game and the controller worked right away. I love this controller. It might be just a little too small, but I'll get used to it. It's super responsive, and the buttons are in perfect positions. In BF2 all the buttons except for the trigger buttons and right analog stick function perfectly. I used the shoulder buttons since the triggers wouldn't work. If only the right analog had recognized I could be playing the BF2 demo online with a 360 controller. Hopefully in the next week or two, people will start making drivers for it for specific games. A very worth while buy I'd say.

|DS| Metroid Pinball

I traded in a few games to get me a buying power so I could pick up Metroid Pinball. It's a really fun game. If you like pinball games and have a DS, then you have to get this game. The graphics are very nice, it has a very Metroid-like atmosphere, and the music is great. It's definitely the most interesting pinball game I've played. You actually have health (quite a bit though). It makes it a little more interesting while doing the boss battles. You can even pick up power bombs and missles. The regular bombs are good for killing borrowers, metroids, space pirates, etc. There are 2 main boards, but you can unlock more for Single Mission (Quick Play) by playing the Multi Mission (Main Game). When you unlock the boss battles, you can play them and time yourself in Single Mission. So, go check it. It's good fun. Although, if you want the best pinball experience from a video game, I still say get Revenge of the Gator for Game Boy. Best. Pinball Game. Ever.

My glance at next gen

Well, I was pretty pro 360 for quite a while, but after the last several weeks, I don't know. They all have their strengths. The 360's main strength is the online community. the PS3, of course, has the power, and the Rev, well, it's Nintendo and has a funky controller. I'm actually looking forward to playing NES and SNES games with that controller. I think I'm still most interested in the 360 at this point though. It will come down to the games, and if Sony has a good answer to XBox Live.

I think if Sony really wants to rule this game, they need to announce several more games this month. At least 2 of those need to be real killer apps. Then they need to demonstrate that they have what it takes to create a good online community to combat XBox Live.

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