First, I doubt this tread will be very popular because its not a buch of fanboy stuff but i make it anyways...
statement 1: XYZ dev said the 360 limits XYZ game.
statement 2: XYZ dev said the PS3 limits XYZ game.
stop with these dumb statements. hardware is ALWAYS the limiting factor in terms of what can be done graphically with a game. Either there is not enough ram, cpu speed, no hdd, slow disk speed, or whatever. no console can have perfect hardware. Its up to the developer to make use of what they have and do the best they can with it. We have passed the point where faster hardware can create new gameplay experiences.
The PS3 and 360 are equal for the most part in terms of hardware strengths and weaknesses. The differene in multiplat quality is due to the developer not the hardware. This is probably asking too much here but cant we just enjoy the games and not complain that xyz console ruined xzy game which in no way shape or form is true? GTA 4 prime example...
in conclusion pc owns all 8)
PC gaming is dead and nobody cares.
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