Corrupt_Tiki's forum posts
Hi, i am currently modding a PC for someone i know and i just found out something a bit wierd, they were complaining about their Games running really **** FPS, and while flags popped up instantly for a new gfx card i was stunned when i found there comp specs were as follows:
GFX Card: XFX nVidia GeForce 7950GX2 1GB 500MHZ 1.20GHZ PCIE
HDD: 180GB SATA (not sure what RPM its running at btw how do you find out?)
PSU: 350W
And i believe the rest arent essential, can a power system slow down an omega gfx card like the 7950 this much?!
and does running gfx intense programs(games) under this low power mess the gfx card up?
with a 19" monitor i could run about 1400x something reso with no problems NOT TOUCHING the screen at all and it cam out crystal clear
but when i stepped up to the 1800 on the 19" it was too big for the screen, new screen :D
as much as you can get. Ill tell you, playing FEAR at highest reso 1800xsomething with AA one like 8x and all settings maxed its like being in a 3d world, you get mind raped and its nuts especially if you got a bit of alcohol in you or drugs hahah, yep cant beat max reso, the only time ive played 800x600 was when i was hardcore into CS tourneys and what have you, and that was because it made the hitboxes bigger, making the chance for a hit increase by almost too much haha
BTW HDR is awesome and as for the AA and HDR, NO nVidia card can run with HDR and AA running at the same time not laggy its just that it doesnt work they cancel each other out or something the radeon x1950 can do it, my card cant but AA doesnt do too much anyway, i rather HDR than AA anyday, maybe the 8800 can im not sure about this one cause i havent looked into it, im getting bored of gaming, the games just LOOK good, no real good games out now, all copies of old ones just trying to cash in with extra eye candy (titan quest > Diablo2 anyone?!).
Hmm your VGA card would struggle on new games i think if you are going to upgrade your VGA card upgrade to a 7 series or a highend 6 series if your struggling with cash or are just a cheap guy ;)
As for the game most of the games i am thinking of would butcher your card
But here goes buddy:
Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos - Great game, Looks good, Runs on Really LOW system specs, ie, Voodoo2 hahah
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne - Expansion pack to one of the greatest RTS franchises ever.
Counter - Strike - Great Multiplayer Game, NO Single Player, Need internet to install it now, OLD graphics
Command and Conquer Generals - Real Time Strategy Great game
Someone else will need to confirm these will work on your comp or you could look the specs up yourself:
Max Payne
Max Payne 2 (cant remember what the gfx were like)
Morrowind (maybe? need more ram probably)
Dues Ex
But you will need to upgrade your computer if you want to game with the latest games, it doesnt have to be massive amounts of money, for memory i saw a Nvidia 6800(i think) VGA card for around 150 US$ which are still good cards, just not able to play DirectX10 games (dont worry my card cant either, no biggie(7950GX2 :D )) or extreme games (doom3, quake 4,Oblivion, CoH, Supreme Commander)
Oh BTW im just checking the Requirements on the back of Command And Conquer 3, and it looks like you may be able to play it on your current settings, probably on low but still a great game at 30 - 40 FPS is better than a GOTY game at 5fps (CoH anyone?)
Hey guys, thanks for your opinions i will give total war games a shot, and i am somewhat perplexed why style and class where censored, btw i have clocked HL2 and loved it but my old harddrive cooked itself and with 56k i am not prepared to dl all the updates from steam (why did valve choose steam WHY?!?!?!) and i loved Red Faction though i was somewhat dissappointed by its sequel keep em coming guys cheers. ;)
btw: out of all FPS games ive played i reckon FEARs movielike gameplay and beautiful graphics cant be beat for a modern game (max payne was good)
Do they still sell Chronicles Of Riddick? I only played like 5 secs of it and it looked freaking awesome, even if it has a deceptively bad looking main menu (but then again so does FEAR)
Hey I was just wondering is it just me or are all PC games starting to just get redressed in nice graphics
I have:
CNC - Generals
CNC - Generals ZHR
CNC3 (worth owning but getting boring SP not too good)
CoH (worth owning but getting boring SP not too good)
Oblivion & Shivering Isles (probably most compelled and most played game aside from all those hrs CS stole)
Starwars BF2
Titan Quest
CS (great mulitplayer outdoes CSS in multiplayer i think but alas i have only 56k now)
And i am sick of all of these, of every single game i have bought, played or read about seems to be something that was done ten years ago just now with nicer graphics, to distract you from the utterly stupid plot, shoddy gameplay mechanics etc, has there been any REAL good games, im thinking that i would like Splinter Cell, but i wish more FPS had more depth to their story line and not just soley rely on a CS multiplayer Platnum hit and what happened to Original RPGs? Im sorry titan quest Diablo2 already did it and did it with more ****and ****albeit some 5 years ago or whatever, any suggestions for compelling games
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