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CosmicScorpion Blog

OMG so scary

Ok,what was the game put #$@% on your pants i actually dont remember mine but i think ill go with fatal frame 2:crimson butterfly the part where you here a noise and you take out your camara and look at the window and you get closer and then suddenly a ghost appears out of nowhere.

Xbox 360...Portable?

Seroiusly since all the info i have been getting this started in 2008,April 1,thats right it was a freaking joke and people are spreading rumours that this actually is in progess i've found thousands of photos of different desings,Microsoft if your going to make an xbox 360 portable say it once.Cuz more rumors are going to spread and things are going to get worse no kidding.


Ok so i've been searching some stuff about nintendo and i actually found out that they're going to make a wii game box size DSi,ok here the evidence: go to that page and tell me if that dsi is large or what.
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