Obviously since U2 MP>>>Gears 2 MP & U3 BETA>>>>Gears 3 BETA
Cow4ever's forum posts
No I haven't. Doesn't matter though. Some people say Crysis 2 was graphics king even after they played it.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Bretter2200"]
It's not hard to nit pick my friend, you'll be able to find jags in both Gears of war 3 and or Uncharted 3. If you dislike them so don't play on console.
Have you actually played Gears of war 3 though?
Here's a tip, before you comment on a game actually play it.
As I said doesn't need to. There are people who thinks Crysis 2 looks good and have played it! So obviously playing a game doesn't add validityAm I the only non-glory hunter in here?
Beitar Jerusalem
You kidding me right?? It is really horrible to look at. I don't know about Haze but that was several years ago. A game as ugly as crysis 2 shouldn't be accepted at this day and age.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="T-razor1"]
Just to give you a heads up...
This guy reminds me of that same dude charles darwin who was the same guy who said that Haze (lol) was on par with Crysis 2 lol. Not saying I'm 100% sure but I'm sorry...I know we all have opinions but anyone calling Crysis 2 an ugly mess shouldn't be taken seriously.
Yup, confirmed this darwin :lol:
what?Also his Gears 3 pics where 200 KB JPEG and still had alot more jaggies than Uncharted 2 PNG[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Innovazero2000"] Depends on the sources. Both of yours was 720p, just his was more true to the actual source. Try searching Uncharted 2 PNG pictures in google, and then check the image section.Bretter2200
It's not hard to nit pick my friend, you'll be able to find jags in both Gears of war 3 and or Uncharted 3. If you dislike them so don't play on console.
Have you actually played Gears of war 3 though?
No I haven't. Doesn't matter though. Some people say Crysis 2 was graphics king even after they played it.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="CorbraMax"] I almost prefer Gears 2. Anyway you notice the jaggies much better when in motion, so these screen shots doesn't say much. Just look at Crysis 2. Looks great on screenshots but really REALLY crappy in motion.T-razor1
You really don't know what you're talking about. What game were you playing because Crysis 2 looks great in still shots and in motion.
You lie way too much on here.
Just to give you a heads up...
This guy reminds me of that same dude charles darwin who was the same guy who said that Haze (lol) was on par with Crysis 2 lol. Not saying I'm 100% sure but I'm sorry...I know we all have opinions but anyone calling Crysis 2 an ugly mess shouldn't be taken seriously.
You kidding me right?? It is really horrible to look at. I don't know about Haze but that was several years ago. A game as ugly as crysis 2 shouldn't be accepted at this day and age.Again that's a real small pic and there's no real difference. Both look equally bad. DF said there was no signs of AA. And even if there was FXAA. It's still only less than 2/7 of the AA MLAA is.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
Still not seeing how people think GoW3 doesn't have A.A. I noticed GoW3 retail looked a lot superior to to GoW3 beta and had a lot less jags. That's the reason I did a comparision. Observe.
Jags don't magically go away.
I'm a fan of both Uncharted and Gears. But there MLAA has some thing wrong with it. The jags were awful in the recent demos/trailers. Though maybe the'll switch to some thing more efficent.
Anyway, if you don't notice the difference you're blind. Look at the back of his armor, it's just generally smoother. Along with his skin, this was particularly noticeable on the character Baird.
Like I said, they obviously employed some thing equally affective. Because the jag amount seems to have lessend.
Yeah U3 beta had horrible jaggies. I still can't see it...and neither did DF[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Innovazero2000"]How do I do to see this in chrome? So I can find a pic of bigger size Depends on the sources. Both of yours was 720p, just his was more true to the actual source. Try searching Uncharted 2 PNG pictures in google, and then check the image section. Also his Gears 3 pics where 200 KB JPEG and still had alot more jaggies than Uncharted 2 PNGCow4life, his isn't a alpha pic
you do realise his picture is 2mb PNG file, while your is a highly compressed 350k jpeg file. Compression tends to hide details and alasing, bluring the image.
gears 3 just dethroned crysis 2 as the new console grahics king, but of course, it's no surprise that cows don't want to admit it.
Still not seeing how people think GoW3 doesn't have A.A. I noticed GoW3 retail looked a lot superior to to GoW3 beta and had a lot less jags. That's the reason I did a comparision. Observe.
Jags don't magically go away.
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