@The_Gump @CptJohnnyRico all because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean you crucify him, how would you like it if you did something wrong, and everyone around you hated you forever because of it? grow up
i feel so bad for this guy, even though people disliked him for what he did to there favorite game, i still hope he does a great job on the projects he has in the years to come
@hman123456 @CptJohnnyRico i feel like they just used a gimmick to take money from there fans, the console would never run next gen games good because they used really crappy hardware, all the money went to a controller with a screen on it, there is a reason why people buy nice television to game on, and thats because they would rather look at there awesome television then some stupid gimmicky controller with a mini screen on it.
don't like how they make free to play, pay to win games, i just want to buy the game and get everything from the get go like it used to be, a finished game like it was before with a few updates here and there, when he said putting in coins like an arcade as an example, i was instantly turned off of this game.
@briggsy10 the rest is not borderline conspiracy theories because i experienced them, it is real because i was carrying them out the same way others were, when i was young i was doing lots of drugs and drinking almost to the point that i was 6 feet tall and 110 pounds, you could see my ribs i was on the verse of killing myself, i watched that movie collateral with tom cruise, and right then and there i wanted to be like him, i dressed like him, i acted like him, and im not bullshittin you this actually happened, and you can see it all around you, a few people i was close friends with are in jail for murder because of the influences they had growing up, i was with them so i know exactly what those influences are, i was a product of it, and they went all the way, one of jeffrey dalmer victims who escaped said in court before he would kill his victims he would sit tie them down to a bed and make them watch exorcist his favorite movie, and whenever the priest came up he would mumble to himself as if using a chant, and when jeffrey dalmer was interviewed in jail, he warned the whole world that it was movies that implant these negative influences into the brain, they feed your brain with the negative things and implants the idea of what you could possibly do, until those thoughts become first reaction when stressed out or if someone hurts you emotionally.
and i can tell by the way you talk about christianity you know nothing about it, the REAL christians, not the crazy ones you see on media which they use to get people to hate everything about it, and on the streets holding murder everything gods will blah blah, the real christians who dont do that try to follow what jesus/yeshua preached, which is love your enemy, love everything, forgive, show mercy, be wise and do not lash out in anger, be vigilant, do not judge others, i could write down a huge list of good things but i would run out of room, and now mainstream culture teaches, SEX, revenge, murder, materialism, eye for an eye, pretty much brainwashing you into a robot that buys products, use those products, get bored, then buys a newer one, american idol which teaches people to constantly judge others based on there skill and whether they are good enough, convincing young teenagers that being famous is the way to happiness and success, which it is not.
and i agree with you, scripted reality shows are terrible, but whoever watches it will not necessarily go out and murder someone, what im saying is that it creates the idea, it plants a seed, for to the disturbed when the opportunity arises, that person would be more likely to carry out the act which they saw and learned on television, and when it gets to the point where when someone sees violence of television and thoroughly enjoys it with a smile on there face saying thats badass which is where society and youth is today, and i was there too believe me, then we got a big problem.
@briggsy10 i am going to agree with you on some points, but can't you see what it is doing to persons state of being?, depression is on an all time high, domestic violence with children yelling and screaming at there parents because they try to take away there xbox, trust me ive seen it first hand and i did it myself when i was in grade 6, i would scream at the top of my lungs swearing at my parents, they were scared of me just because i wanted to play starcraft, even with my 5 year old nephew, he screams and hits if the parents try to take away the nintendo DS they gave him by mistake without knowing what it would do, people are losing hope and purpose especially within the youth you can see it in the way people talk on facebook, obsessed with sad negative music, death is a new fad, there opinions regarding any hope or faith, there is a planted hatred for it, what media and video games are doing is using the power of suggestion, visuals and verbal negativity constantly being pumped into you for hours upon end, its like being in a state of hypnosis which is the best way to plug in information, to think that way is not twisted at all, constant violent thoughts are very damaging to the individual, when i was growing up everyone i hung out with wanted to be like scarface, people talked like him, moved like him, and even developed the accent like him, dressed in all black suites shoes, i was falling into it aswell, people thought they had to go out and stab someone to prove themselves and they did just that, i saw a lot of terrible shit in the process, just because of a fuckin movie, i experienced it first hand and almost fell into it myself, thats why i know its the real deal, many people fantasies and even carry out what they see and that is a fact because i was there and saw it unfold first hand, you need to understand many people are messed up mentally, but what these things do is fuel the flame, if you cannot see it as a problem, then to be completely honest with you i don't even want to talk about this subject because i know you are wrong, and don't even talk about education with me, schools don't even teach what is important, children are literally being raised by the state, good parenting and good morals will get the job done, but too bad now adays everything is go go go now, and parents don't have the time to even raise there own children anymore, instead of teaching them good things, they would rather place them in front of a television, (im not saying everyone is like this), to be completely honest, even anxiety is getting 10 times worse, people are so scared of each other now for no reason, just because they've been fed this negative crap there whole lives, divide and conquer if you ever heard that term applies hugely to the path society is on today
watch this video its 4 minutes long, its a broadcast of a man in 1965, predicting exactly what is happening today
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