Here comes Disney and kathleen kennedy to destroy star wars completely, George Lucas was right, he should have NEVER sold his stuff to Disney, RIP star wars.
He spoke what he thought, and i agree with him, episode 7 wasn't that good it was average imo, only a remake is all it was.
Sucks though he has to apologize for what he truly thought and he was probably right, after watching episode 7 i really respect what he did with 1 2 and 3, showed he wanted something different not just some rehashed version of what he made.
@nl_skipper: There are no spoilers for the movie you have pretty much already seen it, just go watch the new hope again its pretty much the exact same as episode 7, save yourself some money
@deviltaz35: When i walked out of the theater i wanted to like it, but something didn't feel right about it, all of my friends i went with felt the same way, really underwhelmed, and even my buddy who loves sci fi movies thought the same thing, we all agreed and were very meh about it, i love the first movies they did with luke skywalker in it, nothing can replace that and i feel those movies even though they were older were much better. I just see episode 7 as just average, usually when i walk out of good movies i think about it all night, but this time i got home... jumped on Arma and completely forgot about it, well not completely.. but it wasn't the main priority in my mind.
The only scene i find memorable was when at the end battle how the camera went into the x-wing cockpit and showed the battle from the x-wing view, that was intense, but other then that only today here i am checking out what other people thought about it, and a lot of people feel the same way.
personally i think they should have just let star wars go, and finished it a while back, but we will see how this goes with episode 8 and 9, but i still don't see it living up to the hype.
Go to ANY gaming convention, and you will find out really quickly how much of a lie this article is, Just count the heads, how much do you gaming websites have to lie about everything to push your agendas? really sad.
the reason why they don't identify themselves as gamers is prob because they play mobile games, and not that many of them sit there for hours doing it.
CptJohnnyRico's comments