@b74kd3th @CptJohnnyRico @JustPlainLucas there were plenty of trials and errors in dark souls aswell, and when i played it there were some bugs as well that resulted in me dying, did not change the fact that i loved the game, and it got a 9.0 average score? makes absolutely no sense.
@JustPlainLucas its not that, most reviews gave it a good score yes, but this comment "Trial and error + distant save points = frustration" is freaking RETARDED, why give a review on a survival game when your gonna make a stupid comment like that?
@bubba_1988 @CptJohnnyRico all because these guys give it a crap score, does not mean its a fair one, majority likes it looks like based on many other reviews.
Another game that was downgraded for the PC just so that it wouldn't show a huge gap over PS4 and Xboxone, just like how watchdogs was downgraded for the PC as well, if this was not downgraded on the PC it would make PS4 and Xbox one look like a joke, all marketing.
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