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Crazy_Elf_Girl Blog

Frakking bugs part II

I ran into what is probably the most annoying bugs so far for me. The costume thing was a minor annoyance; there are a few here and there that I ran into, but nothing really major for the most part. Except this "default text" glitch, where your bonus objectives aren't working, it won't register holocrons or force points. Even if you're not concerned with the holocron achievement, you still have the problem of not knowing how many are left; and considering the stuff the holocrons give you, it's worth finding them. What's also weird, is when you beat the level, it acts as if you did it without killing anything.

A look on the message boards doesn't seem to shed any light on it. One post claimed that it was due to skipping the cut scenes, but someone said they didn't and still got the glitch. It seems to be mainly luck of the draw.

I really REALLY like the game, it's a lot of fun to play; I can only imagine how cool it would be if they actually made sure to get rid of the bugs, or at least these major ones. I mean, did they test it at all?

Unlike the costume glitch, there seems to be no way to fix the default text one, if you get it, you're stuck with it unless you want to start the game all over with a new save. Fan-tastic. :P I think I'll just have to deal without it for the moment.

Oh, and a side note; devs need to always include easily skippable cutscenes. You see it once, you don't necessarily want to see it a lot; so allow people to skip!

Frakking bugs

I'm loving Force Unleashed; I haven't really run into any bugs for the most part.

Except this one: I unlocked a new costume near the end of the second planet, it's the Sith Robes, which makes Starkiller look very cool. Since he looked so damn cool in them, I put them on for the rest of the level. The next level, they're gone and locked back up again. I did a quick look on the forums here, and sure enough, several others have run into the same issue; we all got it legitimately, and all of us lost it because we put it on "too early". Some are making it sound like if you play it over again, you can re-unlock it; no one has actually said they have it though. I worry that since the game should have already registered me getting that holocron, that it won't be there a second time. I really hope that's not the case...

Oh, btw, apparently "suck" is a curse word. Hide the children.

Edit: I saw another post that said you could go back and get it, so I did and now it's unlocked. Weird how the setup is, that you kind of have to wait until the next level to put it on for fear of losing it. Technically, it should work if you get it then get an auto save soon after. Regular saving doesn't seem to do it. I dunno, it's easier to just wait for the next level. :P

I am such an idiot...

I finally got around to finishing Dead Rising, but totally frakked up at the end. I got a call from Isabela that I should come see her about an "hour and a half" before noon on the last day. I was screwing around, seeing how high I could level, and get to her about a half hour before noon. Granted, I'm still not really paying attention to the time for some dumb reason, and then absent mindedly saved the game. The thing is, I had planned to do over if I took too long to get there, and I would have been fine if I didn't save! no overtime, though I would have made it for that, and certainly no infinite mode. I'm so annoyed with myself right now. I know I could go back and play the whole game over "quickly" and then get the mode, but honestly, I don't think I'll do that any time soon.

Especially with Force Unleashed coming out tomorrow. ;)

Force Unleashed Demo

I was able to download the demo for Star Wars: Force Unleashed, one of my "Must have" games this year (along with Soul Calibur 4). From the demo, it looks to be as fun as the trailers made it look; the graphics are fantastic for the most part; although the apprentice's eyes look kind of dead. I think they did his eyes better in Soul Calibur 4 than the actual game he's in.

The other thing that's weird is that when you use the lightsaber and make contact with the rebels or stormtroopers, there's a slight pause, almost as if the framerate dropped suddenly. However, the way it's done, I half wonder if it's supposed to be a style thing that just doesn't really work out. Either way, I hope it's fixed by the final version, as it kind of makes using the lightsaber a pain. It's not a huge pain, but it does make the timing a bit off.

I'd also prefer if the lock on for the Force powers was done by a button rather than what you happen to be looking at. You get used to how it's set up and can get better at grabbing what you want, but it's not quite as intuitive.

Still, those small things aside, I was pretty impressed; hopefully the rest of the game will be as fun (and OMG; Starkiller brings down a Star Destroyer by using only the Force in the trailer after the demo . VERY cool.)

Why it took me this long to figure this out...

While playing the Apprentice (Starkiller) in Soul Calibur 4, I had this nagging feeling he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. While reading on some articles for Star Wars: Force Unleashed, I saw that they modeled the guy off of the voice actor who played him, someone named Sam Witwer. Since I didn't recognize it and I'm usually good with names, I just figured it was someone I didn't know; I didn't look him up on IMDB or anything. Then, watching some of the videos, it suddenly hit me. It's Crashdown from Battlestar Galactica!! Of course, if I had paid more attention to the previews and such, I would have figured it out a long time ago; but like movies, I tend to keep from reading too much on something I like. I find I enjoy it more without rumors, spoilers, etc.

Soul Calibur IV

I got my guilty pleasyre today, and on top of it, I was able to find the Premium edition. I had to go to the other side of town to get it, but I got it. The best buy there almost screwed up as the game I paid for online to pick up and the one they set aside were two different things. They just put aside the regular version. Fortunately, they seem to have had plenty; though why the one on my side didn't have any, I don't know. Neither did the guy there either.

Anyway, rambling aside; I'm having a ton of fun. Even if Yoda is a weird character for the game, he IS fun to play...and so is the apprentice. :D

Have I mentioned I can't wait?

There's video on the possibility of Vader being DLC for the 360 and Yoda for the PS3 for Soul Calibur 4; and while the Star Wars characters are not the reason why I want the game so bad, they DO make me want it even more. :P

Holy crap, I'm buying a lot of games...

I hadn't actually bought a game since, well, probably Soul Calibur 3; mainly because I couldn't afford to due to various stuff in my life. Now I can't afford to buy a ton, but I can actually afford more than I used to. A couple weeks ago I bought Call of Duty 2, then rented CoD 3, then bought it the next day (yay for Gamefly's "keep it" thing). Then Halo 3 figures came out at the comic shop I work at, so I bought Master Chief and realized I had to have Halo 3 (I have and beat the first two).

My plan was to rent it from Gamefly, then "keep it" since it would be $20 cheaper than buying a new copy. For some reason though, I looked on Best Buy's website and found out they had the Limited Edition for $40 as well; so I bought that. I found out later that many of them were damaged and the disks inside were scratched, but I got lucky it seems. My tin was dented in the middle on both sides, and while the disks were off the pegs, they were held pretty much in place by the tin itself; so the scratches were superficial and so far, the disks work fine with absolutely no problems. I'm loving the game, though I can tell I'm breezing through it pretty quickly.

Since I kept CoD 3, I was sent the next available game I had on my queue, which was Devil May Cry 4. While it's fun initially, there really isn't much new since the first one, so I know I won't keep it for long, much less buy it. It also has way too many pointless cutscenes. Yes, Dante and Nero can do cool stuff, move on to the playing, please!

And now Tuesday is the release of Soul Calibur 4, which I will do the rare thing of buying it on the release day, and even be (likely) getting the Limited Edition for that as well. Best Buy has it for just $10 more than the regular version, so why not? :P My editor on Grrlgamer is reviewing it (which, Didi, is so not fair. You did 3! :P ;) ) The one review I found makes it sound so much better than the third one, and similar to what I really liked about the second.

SC4 will probably be the last game I buy for awhile; at least new game. There are some I want that are coming out in the fall, but most of them I'll either wait for a review copy or just rent it first.

For now, though, I have quite a bit to play.

I'm on an FPS kick: Call of Duty 3

I beat CoD 2 early last week and set up a new account with Gamefly, mainly because I was tired of being subject to JUST reviews. While I'm totally fine doing reviews for games I might not otherwise choose (since a lot of the games I do choose just don't work out for review copies), I realized there were quite a few I'd probably never play if I just waited for reviews. Since I can't afford to buy too many games, gamefly won out. (Though I did buy the Halo 3 limited edition from Best's $40, a full $20 cheaper than the regular version. Go fig).

Anyway, the first game I got from Gamefly is CoD 3, which in some ways is so much better than 2, and in some other key ways is not as good. Actually, it's pretty much just one way; friendly and enemy AI. Sometimes they can both be fairly good, but most of the time, they have little sense. I cannot tell you how many times I'd be crouching and firing regularly and some friendly would walk in front of my line of fire and get a bullet up his ass. Brillant. :P What's worse, and considerably more frequent, is all of the friendlies walking into a building at the same time, thus jamming the doorway. :P

It also has some weird physics quirks, like shooting a Nazi sometimes causes them to roll strangely as if they were shot in zero G. Other times when I'm getting shot and trying to duck, it will push me back from my cover before I notice it, leaving me dead before I can move forward again.

The other thing that was actually in both games is debree. Apparently trained soldiers aren't physically able to walk over pieces of wood, wire, or tires. Instead when backing up and firing, you may get stuck on said piece of wood and be unable to avoid it before you die. Why in this age of gaming, devs haven't figured out how to get players to step over small objects, I don't know.:P

I'm on a FPS kick... Call of Duty 2.

After playing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (which was fun) and then Soldier of Fortune: Payback (which ended up just being annoyingly bad :P ); I wanted to play another FPS that I hadn't played, so I bought Call of Duty 2 (it was $20; cheap won over new :P ). Since I just got the 360 in December, I haven't had a chance to play really anything other than what I've done for reviews (and a Christmas present or two). CoD 2 is actually the first game that I've bought for the 360, even though I own six.

Anywho, unsurprisingly, I like it a lot. I like the variety of countries fighting as opposed to always playing the Americans. I was also very happy that they actually included the female soldiers for the Red Army; though I was disappointed that I wasn't playing as one. How often are women in WWII games as playable characters? The only one I can think of is Manon in Medal of Honor: Underground; I wish CoD 2 added to that. I mean, the British and the Amercans are all guys, so why not mix it up and have a female soldier for the Russians? :P

Otherwise, I like the game, even if I am almost done already. :P I think I should start up on gamefly again, I can't afford to keep buying games, even if they are $20 instead of $60. I should be getting the Hellboy game fairly soon, but I doubt that will keep me occupied for long. ;)

Edit: God I used a lot of emoticons...

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