So this past week I played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Unfortunately at first I was pretty skeptical. I had downloaded the demo from the PSN and I have to say I wasn't very impressed. I'm not sure why...I guess the section of the game they decided to include as a demo wasn't the best place for me to start. I'm sure others may have played it and enjoyed it enough. But not me. I thought the gameplay was too slow and very clunky. it was a beautiful game though...there's no dispute about that.
But now that I've completed the game and have been able to get past that initial disappointment I felt with the demo, I have to say that this is the most fun I've had with a PS3 game so far. Oh sure, I love Unreal Tournament III...and of course Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a fantastic game. But very rarely do I complete a game much less play them straight through. Most of the time I usually distract myself from whatever it is I'm already playing and just jump to something else. I have gaming ADD ;)
Anyway, this game in particular hasn't really "changed the formula" so to speak. There isn't anything in it that we haven't seen before as far as pure gameplay is concerned. The thing that makes it stand out from previous games (like many of today's "next-gen games") are the visuals. I don't have an HD TV, and I have to say I was really impressed at the love, time and effort that was put into this game. Naughty Dog really outdid themselves on this one. The visuals aren't (in my opinion) "photo-realistic"...but they are pretty damn good. They have a stylised look to them that really just brings a lot of life into the game itself.
The environments are really rich with visual, artistic goodies. Oh and the sound is fantastic!! The score, sound effects and all the dialogue are some of the best I've ever heard in ANY game in a long time! Kudos to you guys!! Also, it's been a long time since I've felt driven by a game's character. Nathan Drake is a pretty good example of the combination of good animation, good voice acting and pretty tight controls. Very rarely did I ever have the "camera" issues I usually have with these third person action/adventure games. He was a good source of the game's humor as well.
It's not so much slap stick humor, but just the simple comments, sarcasm and little touches that make Nathan a step up in the usual "silent" characters in almost every single video game ever. It's refreshing to hear the character give some commentary of what's going on around him every so often. He's not a chatter box by any means, but he keeps the flow of natural human expression (or as close as they can get to it) without sounding too much like he's just scripted to spout off certain lines of dialogue depending on the situation.
The music in the game is really refreshing as well. It think SCEA is really stepping up to the plate wen it comes to their proclaimed "immersive cinematic" games that they are really trying to put out. They did the same level of work in Heavenly Sword...but for some reason that game really wasn't as much fun (in my opinion...with the limited amount of playtime I had with the game) as Uncharted. Maybe something just got mis-translated in my gamer brain. Regardless, the musical quality of Uncharted is one of the best I've ever heard in a game. It really does have that "summer movie" feel to it. It does the usual engaging music when you're in a firefight, but it's never annoying. The sound quality of the environments are fantastic as well.
Being able to run around in the jungle and actually hear the surrounding wildlife living and breathing is a treat that more and more games in our current generation of consoles are providing for us...and that's fine by me.
All in all, this is not a review by any means. I just finished the game early yesterday morning and was pleasantly surprised. There is a pretty good story line underneath all the firefights and pretty visuals. It's not an Academy Award winning screenplay...but it's definitely not a fluff "let's just move to the next plot point" story line that's usually thrown into a lot of video games now a days. If you own a PS3 definitely check this game out. I don't think you will be disappointed. If you like adventure games like Tomb Raider and action/shooter games like Gears of War or Halo 3, then Uncharted may be a very interesting middle ground between those games and genres.
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