So prior to my purchase of the Xbox 360 I kept hearing this word...achievement. I had a vauge idea of what they were and how one could aquire them, but didn't really think that I would be the type of person who would really care to "aquire" them. I thought to myself when I first got my 360, "oh sure...I'll get them every so often...but I won't get addicted."
What the hell was I thinking?! :shock: Now whenever I play a game I wonder to myself what marvelous action, what secret and magnificent requirements will I have to meet/discover to hear that lovely little "bleep" sound and see it flash before my lower screen? It's a sickness that has plauged many a 360 owner and I fear I've caught the Achievement fever!
But not to say that's completely a bad thing. Something else that has been crossing my mind with increasing regularity is the "need to know" what I have to do to get my achievements. But I've been trying to keep that thought out as much as possible. You see, as much as it's nice to know before you play the game just what it is you'll have to do to unlock the achievement, it's more rewarding (in my opinion) when I'm just naturally playing the game and happen to discover them. I'm sure that's the case most of the time with other gamers. Besides, most of us don't buy/rent games just for the achievement points now do we? ;)
Now what I don't want is exactly that way of thinking: that whole "I gotta' play every single game to get MORE!" type of mentality. For one thing...I'm not as hardcore as I used to be. In fact I don't even like using that term. It think it's kind of silly to me. But whatever. I'm rambling now.
Anyway, so yeah...I can see the reason why they're so saught after and the attraction to getting as many as you possibly can. Besides the whole "gotta' catch em' all" type of mentality, It's nice to know that someone out there will get a chance to see what kind of gamer you are. And I think for me that's the most important/cool thing about Live and having a gamercard to begin with. It gives a brief window of what kind of a gamer they are...and for what reason they play what they play. ;)
I suppose it's difficult to accurately determine what others like just based soley on their gamercard and what IT says they're playing. I mean if they're anything like I am, I switch games so often it makes me wonder sometimes if I'll ever finish some of my older games. I'm an ADD gamer. If and when I play a game that has an element that will remind me of another game I have lying on my shelf...I have a tendancy to switch out and start playing that one. Or if I get a nice shiny new game and say I'm in the last stages of a certain Bungie type shooter and put a stop on kicking things in the face with awesome bullet type behaviour to, oh..I don't know..raise pinatas...then sometimes it's just hard to get myself in the mood to kill aliens and big heaping piles of off-worldism when I've been romancing worms for an hour and a half. :shock:
All in all though, regardless of what kind of games I decide to pick up in the future, I can say that I haven't been this pleased in a colsole purchase since I got my DS Lite last year. I'm happy with my new toy and I will be even happier this saturday when "the cable man commeth" to my house to allow me some XboxLive goodness!
Now if you'll excuse me...I have to do. Yeah..that's
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