EXACTLY like me
CrimsonBlade541's forum posts
I'm sure he wasn't racist, it probably was an act of attention. There are load of people like that on live unfortunately :| You'll just have to deal with people like that. You can report them, but I doubt it will truely do anything...
Yeah. Don't worry about it. He can't do anything. He has to have your email and password first off then you windows live email and password. Just report him and he can't do anything.
Thats what I hate about that game, that's why I usually play with friends only on my team cause I know how good they are an I know I will win with them
Is it not working for anyone else who has google chrome? I pressed copy and paste but it won't work...
The RRoD Is pretty rare. My friend got it and nothing would play so he had to bang on the back of his xbox to get it to work. He got it fixed though. I had it and it didn't do crap. The 1 red ring is the true problem. That's when you get a system error and when you turn on your xbox you can't do anything. It just says "System Error 73 -- Go to xbox.com for details" And I got that fixed, but I got an elite now so I shouldn't have any problems.
The two flashing lights is part of the red ring of death. You got the one that is cause from overheating yeah, and once you get it, it overheats even faster, so put a fan behind your xbox and it should be fine. Just hope you don't get 1 red ring. Thats when theres a system failure and your xbox wont start up. When you start it up, it goes to a black screen that says system error 73 and you cant do anything. 3 isn't bad even though thats the full red ring, you can still play games. I figured out how but you have to beat the crap out of your xbox so just hope you dont get either.
Shortest game: Fable 2. I beat that in just a few hours and already had a bunch of acheivements... But then again it does have a bunch of sidequests and jobs and some stuff you cn only do if your evil good AND theres a lot of runing around and finding stuff you can do if you want. Other than that though, the story if you DONT do the sidequests, is really short... The longest is lost oddysey... Four disc of impossibility there my friend...
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