Sadly I enjoyed the first Uncharted more than the second. Playing through the second one now and finding the combat is just a load of crap. I'm not new to shooter but I am in no way "pro" at them. But theres times where my shots should have killed them and they don't die. Theres time's where you get pinned down somewhere and have to fight your way out, like your first fight with the "monsters" in the Shambala and I feel like thinking wtf is going through the developers head. I'm probably gonna get flamed for this post, and I'm playing on Normal difficulty, not going to switch it to easy, but theres no way Normal should feel like Hard mode, where I die 50 times to finally pass a part. I feel as though I die faster then any of my enemies to for being shot at.
Critic88's forum posts
I like it, gives a sense of little replay to it, plus the online multiplayer looks fun. Who doesn't enjoy a good game with co-op, it seems a lot better than the first one.
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"][QUOTE="realistic44"]I disagree I'm really enjoying the mp for U2. I have been a little confused over this, i have heard many people say they enjoy the multi player in Uncharted, so i'm going to hold of on buying Modern warfare 2 until after i play Uncharted 2. This way i can really have an idea if the multi player is better then Modern warfare 2. It also comes down to the style in which i like to play as well. I enjoyed the first Modern warfare's Multi player. I still think that i will end up with Modern warfare 2 but i just want to make the right choice. It will be awhile till i can afford another $70 dollar game .Darn auto industry , ya, i Used to work in the auto industry : ( .. ow well what can you do.Dont buy uncharted 2 for the online, it is just awful. but it has the best single player experience ive played in a while
If you loved CoD4 multiplayer then you'll MW2 multiplayer even more, all they did was improve on it in almost every aspect ( except for dual wielding shotty's ), but you just beat people by using that weapon against them.
I was interested in Darksiders and still am but I'm thinking of just renting it. Seems to much like GoW to be bought, don't know how replay is going to be like on that kind of game.
definently a question but i don't know the answer to it
I use
It works perfectly
Idle hands are a "reel" problem. Pick up something to keep you entertained....blah blah blah...
Where do you find either a fishing "reel" or the film "reel"?
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