It could have a 7.0 or a 6.5 but is fine i was disappointed with the full character selection, because i was waiting for all the Kages to be here, and actually they all appears in the history mode, so why the hell we have to wait until another game release?? Is not fair
@usule Actually i play the game and this review is fine, the story mode is booooooring as hell, to long and the character selection is crap, they slap you in the face putting characters like Kinkaku and hes brother anthe other Kages, but nonce of them is actually a playable character so this game for me is a trash, i prefer wait until another one brings the true character selection we want
@fedetaco Well all this mates say the truth, other big diference is that Deathstroke's brain work in 90%, Also Deathpool regeneration is unstable but sometimes better thant Wolvering... Of course Deathpool comics are fucking hilarius xD
Critical_man's comments