@Gaming1984 @forbiddenmow What freedoms are you talking about here? Because this has nothing to do with freedom of speech in the legal sense. You seem to be conflating some perceived Constitutional issue with customer service. This seems to be a common thread with the people making the most noise in this thread. Their comments barely make sense and are all over the place logically speaking.
@Gaming1984 Free speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism. If I don't like what you have to say, either because it's stupid, offensive, or just plain wrong, I can either choose to ignore you (walk away) or confront you directly with my own speech. That's kinda how free speech works. Also, the irony of your "sheep" insult in a thread about not insulting people was not lost on me.
@Gaming1984 Free speech is a double-edged sword. If you say something questionable, you should expect to be called on it even by moderators. They have opinions, too. Of course, GS could just replace all their mods with bots that coddle you and encourage you regardless of how inane your comment might be for the sake of retaining a few customers.
@AggrandizedUser Keep in mind these videos have time constraints. Nobody wants to sit through a 30 minute video where Johnny dissects a comment and recites a dissertation on why it's wrong citing sales figures and such. Besides, the fact that Steam is an industry juggernaut that reinvigorated PC gaming is self-evident to anyone even remotely close to PC gaming.
@anonymouszomby Fair enough, but he didn't call you stupid, he said your comment was stupid -- specifically the part about Steam killing PC gaming. If you take a step back and put your ego aside for a moment, you really do have to concede that point in particular.
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