Why the hell do you "need to fix" the fact that there are more men then woman in your company? WHO. THE F*CK. CARES? You take whoever wants the job. If you got more men then woman applying, so what? Just take who can do the job. I mean Jesus, high-ranking woman are turning sexism in the gaming industry into rocket science, which it isn't....
This is dumb. It's just another gimmick, like the Kinect. They'll probably end up putting it out way too soon before it's even a decent program, it'll run horrible, and companies won't use it to it's full potential. And even if they did, this is nothing more then some flashy pretty lights around the room. How is that gonna help in gaming at all? The only thing it'll help is pulling morons who fall for this stunt in to buying an Xbox and putting cash in M$'s wallet. Enjoy the pretty lights
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