Like he has room to talk? EA comes out with multiple games every year. And how come he doesn't believe this about MW3? A game and company that doesn't change anything except killstreaks and maps. And at least treyarch is trying new things with their game instead of playing it safe like most do. There are so many things wrong with his ignorant comment. Gtfo bro.
I don't understand why people complain about the subscription anyway. You pay for what you get and with xbox you get a lot. Plus it's only $5 a month. No one's that poor
Everyone is biased because cod is on a bit of a tiring streak right now. But lets all not be so quick to judge until the final product is here. Personally, I applaud treyarch for changing things up and taking risks. It's exactly what the COD needs to breathe fresh air into the franchise. For now, you have my attention
omg.....I commented on that last article saying I lost respect for Crytek because of that comment. Now I'm disappointed even more. I mean if you're going to have and opinion about something, at least stick to it, don't cave in because of what other people think.
why the hell does everyone attack the damn writers of all these articles instead of discussing the actual issues that should be talked about? Ya'll need to grow up and stop attacking the editors and just be mature and discuss the news they give us. and if you don't like them go to ign or something. Don't whine about it here...
ALSO! People that are saying you want to boycott EA and "put them out of business".......why?!?! I mean, not gonna lie, they are a terrible, greedy, company but, also a great asset to the gaming community. I don't think we should aim to put em out of business, but instead maybe just teach them a lesson. Do something that says "Hey get your sh*t in line or we WILL put you outta business". That way they can keep making games we enjoy, but they learn to clean up their act and give us a fair deal with everything, instead of plundering gamers for everything in our wallets.
Cronicx-'s comments