Hopefully it'll be good. Heard that AIM will be in it, so that might be interesting. But right now, the only movie I care about is The Dark Knight Rises.
I am sick of the Animus. The assassins don't need it anymore. They know where Altair's apple is, so why not just go get it and wait for Vidic to show up? Kill him and save the world. Throw in some good Templar Masters in the present time, and there it is. Assassin's Creed III with no Animus. No more Ezio. His story should have ended in AC2. I want to see what Desmond can do.
I'm hoping for a return of CJ. San Andreas was the best GTA, and I would like it to go back to a fun game instead of, "let's see how hard we can make it to drive."
This doesn't even look like fun. If I'm going to play an RPG, I want to have buttons/keys for my attacks, I don't want to just click on stuff and watch my character use lame attacks on them. I'm sticking to Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect and Fallout for my RPGs.
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