Goddamn this review is lazy. I saw a description from a while back that specifically mentioned combat being a combination of the very same games that this narrator is speaking of on behalf of a reviewer who couldn't be arsed voicing his own review, the reviewer seems to have just plagiarized the opinions of someone else rather than develop their own. If it's too hard to spend a few minutes voicing your own video review then it's obviously too hard to play a game enough to develop your own opinion on it. "Welcome to Gamespot, we aren't quite as bad as Polygon or Kotaku yet but we're trying really, really hard".
The only controversy worth remembering is Casey Hudson's disgraceful lies that at the end of ME3 your choices will matter only for nothing to mean a goddamned thing, some mystical star baby to turn up & also lie to you with the whole farce ending in 3 different coloured explosions depending upon which lie you let mystical star baby tell you. If Satan is real he's got a special place in Hell for Casey Hudson for what he did to Mass Effect.
If you both have noise issues then there's something wrong with either your consoles or your hearing. My PS5 is silent once it's up & running & even when it's booting up it's far quieter than my PS4 & Pro.
CrouchingWeasel's comments