Mweh I don't know about the Wii vs the other consoles. I don't think we will suddenly see very deep and engaging games on the Wii. Games like Metal Gear Solid, Too Human, Bioshock, etc... Imho the Wii really is strolling down a different lane. What good is it if you have sold 7 million Wii's but only 2 million of the owners care about games like MGS, Too Human etc.
Fix it then sell it for 200$ or whatever it goes for
Anyways, before you sell ur xbox to him try the towel trick on youtube. Its legit and works. My xbox is still under warranty so I have send it off to germany. However if you aren't so lucky to live in continental EU and thus don't have 2 years of warranty by law.. I would try the towel trick :P
[QUOTE="JimmyT2"]Meh. I thought the single-player was way too short and the only thing really impressive about the MP was the graphics. I found UT 2004 to be way more addictive.BrutonNYC
I just dont find First Person shooters as fun, Gears is more tactical and more skill based and it feels more accomplished when you pull off good kills
Try RB6 Vegas, Ghost Recon
Imho Gears is just luck of draw with the chainsaws/shotguns. Hell all people ever seem to use is shotguns. Nobody uses the lancer (cept for a chainsaw kill wich is rare as well)
IMHO gears of war is one the most overrated games of last year, eurogamer was the only one who gave it a decent review. It didn't deserve game of the year anyways, but jeff loves his chainsaw
Underwhelming is a good word. It's really just a standard JRPG dressed up in some nice artwork. The background graphics are pre-rendered for the most part, but there's lots of flare that you wouldn't see in a PS2 game. I DO think that Wii could handle it though for sure.
I'm hooked after the 30-40 minute demo, so that's what really counts :)
but yeah...really really standard stuff. It feels like I've played this game before...
Probably because you played Tales :P Seriously when I was looking at that video I thought you made a mistake and it should have read tales of eternal sonata
All these people whining about the graphics. I took another look at the videos and they are fine. People seem to forget that the maps are a "tad" bigger then GEoW maps and that we have the ability to play with 2 times the amount of people. Also the style of Halo doesn't really allow for a massive improvement anyways, most of the surfaces etc are shiny and flat in Halo. Halo is colorfull, not some gritty 1000 tones of grey Gears.
Besides I rather have good gameplay than good graphics. Besides if you own a Wii, then you can say you are underwhelmed by graphics. Stop puting shovelware out and dev something good you lazy developers and publishers
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