I ran through the 13 episodes and I really like it. I most likely will drop it though and continue on with the manga.
CrownedClownAg's forum posts
I was playing online with my friend and his younger brothers in Halo Reach. These two guys had some stupid name like StompJesus (1) and (2). My friend's brothers didn't like it so they started hunting them around this huge map (may have been the Valhalla recreation) and teabagging them left and right. I think they killed them each 15 or 20 times. It was freaking hilarious to watch.
I also read Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Monster. Just finished reading Gantz. Sad to see it end.
DC Universe, Planetside 2, and Warframe are all day one console exclusives, are F2P. So in essence, all PS4's come with 3 free games, right?
They're not exclusives, and they're availible on the PC, so they aren't even console exclusives.
Try again...
Oh look at that, titanfall isn't an exclusive either.
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