@LordOfTragedy "I mean what kind of company sits around and thinks of ways to SCREW YOUR CUSTOMER?!"
Sometimes, I think all of them... or most. It's always about increasing profit. No natural system in the world expands indefinitely without collapse, yet humans tend to think market and profit margin should and will.
I assume it hurts sales when the game is weak. That's why we like demos, so we know what we are REALLY getting. Trying to dupe your customers by leaving them in the dark is insulting. Plus we all know most games are talked way up before release. They are rarely what they advertise.
There is a reason that smart gamers look for "gameplay footage" instead of teaser trailers. But we'd prefer a demo most, I think.
Don't worry! I sure if you are a blind consumer or a complete dumbass you can buy the "SEASON PASS" now and get the game and all the DLC you have yet to see for only 120$+ "Twice the Price for Half the Game! YEAH!"
@KriptoTitan I just don't get how they can't just freakin make it part of the game. Is it "DLC" if you are making it at the same time, but plan to release it later and make gamers pay for the same crap?
Here we go again... It's not even out and they are marketing their DLC... It's not really "add-on" or DLC really, just parts of the game left out to get more cash... And "remaking" maps from a previous game... I used to love BF... But just F it instead... I'm done with it.
@lilj2626 You're poor writing makes you sound foolish, and detracts from whatever opinion you may be trying to express. It may be the internet, but effort still counts.
Yeah, lets not forget that it's still War Z, and what they did... As far as confusion, I think the new name will just be a way to confuse people into buying their crap. Besides the "controversy" of it's original release, it's still a terrible game set-up. And cheap greedy micro-transactions you can lose right away from endless spawn-killing... It's a horrible game set-up and there is no need to "avoid confusion among players" by changing your name... Knowing something is crap isn't confusion.
CruiserCaptain's comments