hosts voice sounds like he has a pair of balls in his throat.
And seeing a game were the cover art includes a man on the back of a moving motorcycle firing a crossbow is about all i need to see to know its made for little kids.
notice that in the actual military woman arent jumping to fill those combat operations rolls now that they can. If anything there are too many woman in combat games. They wear bikini's and as little as they can and somehow our society thinks this is normal.
and ive only ever met one or two woman in my life that i felt would have made good frontline elite combat soldiers, and those woman were more manish then most dudes. Reality is something different altogether so dont try and use that argument here carolyn. Its offensive to the rest of us that earned our place.
Marathon used to be one of my favorite games of all time, but halo was made for the lowest common denominator players possible (aka noobs and retards). And they rose to epic sales levels while never even bringing anything new to the genre at all.
@Serpent17 finally someone that has mentioned this issue. All i see left and right is brown nosers, and i cant even get down the block without a long list of swear words....
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