wow this game is still out? man you just cant kill crap in this day and age, its like the more scum of the earth bad your product is the better you do, guess that makes sense tho, the world went retarded after the turn of the century.
imo dayz was interesting because it was on the arma engine and took advantage of all the simulator aspects and large maps.
Warz just gives me the impression of just another gimicky shooter with some new bells and whistles hung on. I particularly dont like running around doing repetitive collection missions and tasks for snipets of xp/items etc and would by far more like to see a realistic approach to acquiring/salvagine/making items like in dayz. Much of the enjoyment ive actually gotten out of it is from doing some of the more mundane tasks.
@nik0la2 thanks for the reply, and you have a point, altho what i was saying with how it was linear is how if you choose a certain hero at the begining of the game thats weak or strong against the other guy or one player starts to win for example and gets a xp edge, theres very little you can do as the player to turn the game around if he doesnt start making mistakes.
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