still hard to say ive played a free to play game i really i liked, and once you figure out the whole 'pay to win' model, how many more free to play games does one really find himself wanting to play knowing exactly what to expect in each?
while before they had a bright world, their was alot of darkness to both the main character and the main enemies, now its pop stars or little kid/animal hybrids running around willy wonka's factory fighting umpalumpas.
Theres just no style today. That and the old systems were more advanced and took more thought which i enjoyed.
good to know. Figure ill wait till they are all out, the bugs will be fixed, and i can get the whole pack+game for cheap some wheres. Plus being able to enjoy extra content from a dlc the first time through a game seems so much more appealing then going back multiple times for a handful of extra quests/gear etc.
um its gone through the floor man. You remember how competitive the wc3 or counter strike was? and there were TONS of games that people were competitive with.
Now what do we have? starcraft 1.5? gamers today are the worst they've ever been.
@downloadthefile cyberpunk was a specific game that was closed down in the 80's by the government.
Its since turned into a genre, that they add pink unicorns and all kinds of other nonsense to get around the gustapo, but cyberpunk is definitely its own thing.
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