CryoGoblin's forum posts
PS3 games are region-free meaning any game from any region will play on any PS3 from any region. This is not true for Blu-Rays or DVDs or PS2 games by the way.abdelmessih101
yes exactly...all ps3 games are region free which is unnecessary to write it down.
not only should MacDonalds give away LBP Toys but also the Kratos and Nariko promotion codes. :)Sk8ter_213
......McDonalds ....
Far Cry 2 preorder gets you 3 extra hours of exclusive content, dead space special suit that makes the game easier with preorder, fable 2 you get another dungeon for buying the collector edition, and the list goes on. It makes me angry that tons of games are leaving out content for a quick buck or forcing you to buy a game at launch for content that should be in the game whenever you buy the game. This needs to stop and sadly I dont see it stopping but only getting worse! EA seems to be the worse of the bunch for sure with their new DNA BS and sports updating features. I dont have the time to buy every game at launch and play them and now I am forced to stock pile games I wont play for months! On top of that, all those poor gamers that cant afford to buy a game at launch are getting screwed!LORDDICE1
wow...all i got to get extra shiet you need to pay...and you dont only get an extra level or w/e you may get soundtrack, posters, tshirts, you also pay the better PACKAGING! which you mostly pay for already its called incentives for the consumer to spend a lil more money...who the hell cares if people who cant buy it at launch are getting screwed...theres limited copies anyway...and i still see people trade in special editions all the its not like its unattainable after launch...stop whining and either pay for the special edition or get the regular one..
Hey ppl! i usually dont do this. but because of random ppl booting me out SCIV rooms for no reason and me only fighting ranked battles to play some1 online, id like to send out a message to whoever wants to be my SCIV friend!! lol.....and if ya want i got burnout paradise too!..So my name is MakoStrife. well i hope to see ya online!! and if u do add me let me know ur from gamespot....
Thx in advance!!!!
-GuilloBoi Submit
add me ill accept when i go on
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