Who was your first kiss?:
man his name was Jamar:roll: long story, lol
Who was your last kiss?:
Wow I think his name was Lucky...
All together, how many people have you kissed?:
Damn maybe like 6 people altogether, but adding the people when I was drunk Id say 10:|
Do your actions ever scare you?:
They use too, but Ive learn to control them
Have you ever been in true love?:
I hate this question:x NO!!!
Ever lied to make someone feel better?:
Why would I do that? What, to be nice? Im honest no matter what:roll:
How do you like being lied to?:
Now what kind of stupid ass question is that?! How do you like being lied to:roll:
Did you forgive the person who hurt you the most?:
As much as its hard for me to say this...I do:| I can let stuff go
Did they deserve to be forgiven?:
Can your friends count on you?:
Are you a good listener?:
always...actually thats one thing I do best:D
Does it bother you when you're friends wont help you out?:
nah not really, they have there reasons. so you gotta respect that
What's a regret you have?:
once again:roll: getting drunk and loosing my virginity:|
Why did you cry last?:
Because I was watching PS I Love You♥:oops:
Who's always on your mind?:
my family...
Are you comfortable with your body?:
Im getting better about that.
Have you ever broken a heart? Did you feel bad?:
yes, lol....no Because I would do what was best for me.
Do you believe in god? Go to church?:
Yes I believe in god...but I havent went to church in like 5 yrs:|
Do you keep a journal that only you should ever read?:
I use to, but I think I lost it:o
Can you control your thoughts?:
Its depends whats on my mind/who's on my mind
Can you control your actions?:
How about your emotions?:
now thats a different story:lol: In other words no, lol
Have you ever done something that was really bad for yourself?:
hmm damn I dont think I have really:| Oh **** yes I have...my younger days:roll:
Who is it easiest to be yourself around?:
my sister, friends who spam in my blog with me:oops: (they know who they are;)) and my bestie:D
What can always put you in a good mood?:
Kids, I love kids:):D, uh my sister, and ww725:oops:
Have you kissed in the rain?:
wow hun lets be serious, Im black. And I cant mess up my hair:| So uh...no!! lol
Are you able to always be yourself?:
of course, but to a certain extent
Is their anyone that you care more about than youself?:
EVERYONE!! I cant be specific when answering that
What do you miss about your past?:
Probably when everyone in my family got along and no DRAMA!!! I miss being spoiled and everyones little baby:oops: (well actually I still get treated like that:| You would think that being the youngest out of 13 girls and being 18 that they would see me as a grown up:P I guess some **** just doesnt change, lol)
Are you excited about the future?:
Always....never know what tomorrows going to bring
Do have any idea of what your future is gonna be like?:
I would somewhat bad:? only because alot of our problems we know about its just the solutions arent being put into full affect as the should be:|
How do you do in school? Do you try hard?:
Im the ****clown in my school, but I still am smart;) And I normally dont try at all:| Im the type of chick who will do a project the day before its do and still get an A/B:
Do you like to help others? Does it make you feel good?:
I love helping others:) Anything I can do for anyone I will...just to see them smile:) (I guess that what working with kids will do to ya:oops::)) It makes me feel great:D
Are you trust worthy?:
VERY!! Whatever and anything you tell me is between you and I!! TRUST is a BIG deal to me.
Did you lie at all in this survey?:
NO, or better yet...you tell me if you think I did:P
Not as crazy as my other test:P I just wanted to tone it down...just a bit. Im not always crazy ladies and gents;)
Now in other news, I have to get up at 9:00am in a few hours:o I hate getting up early:x but Im going to a graduation:D This is another boring night for me:| So no fun...just peace and rest. You see? Im not always crazy...I can tone it down a bit:oops: and plus Im tired and its like 1am...so I need to go to bed.
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