Oh boy, where do I begin...
Today is Election Day! All I can say is "finally." I am so tired of this Presidential race and just want closure either way at this point. Tomorrow I will go to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin to be our next Pres./VP combo. I don't like either very much, but I'd rather have the experienced McCain in office at this point. I realize Obama has a pretty good chace of not only winning this election, but winning in a landslide, which I don't like, but I still feel I should vote. (Though here on Massachusetts, my vote is essentially rendered meaningless by the overwhelming Democratic leaning population.) I'm also going to vote against John Kerry, simply because I dislike the man, not that my one vote will have much of an impact in his likely landslide victory. As far as state positions go, I'll be voting for the Republican in every case. I consider myself Conservative, but I'm not a true Republican, so in a sense, I am considering my vote a protest vote. The Mass. State government is roughly 80% Democratic, and there is literally no opposition within the government. Whatever the Dems want, it is passed quickly. I consider that dangerous. I believe this is the reason why the Mass State government seems to be full of inefficiency corruption (take the case of Diane Wilkerson as an example; it took her years and multiple convictions to finally be unseated. If you want inefficiancy, look up the Big Dig). Its been so safe for the Dems for so long that they have grown too comfortable. We need to shake things up a bit here in MA to keep the Dems honest, and that is why I will cast my protest vote. As far as the ballot questions go:
The ballot questions in MA are...
Question 1- This question involves the income tax. A "yes" vote will eliminate the income tax. A "No" vote will keep it the same.
My take: I'm torn on this one. Being a conservative, lower taxes and less government spending are appealing to me. But I worry that cutting the tax to 0% is too extreme. It'll cut the State budget (which is strained as it is) by about 1/3. I do see it as a way of shaking things up a bit and keeping the Dems in line with their spending, yet I worry the meat of this will end up being taken out on the schools. I'm not sure about this one yet.
Question 2: Question 2, if voted yes on, will make possession of a small amount of marijuana a civil offense to be met with a fine as opposed to a criminal offense to be met with prison time.
My take: Yes all the way. It will make the prisons less crowded, saving the state money, and prevent such a minor offense from hampering people's futures (as it is, the criminal offense on one's record I've heard can be damaging.)
Question 3: A yes vote will prohibit greyhound racing. A no vote will keep it legal.
My take: I've heard that greyhound racing can be pretty inhumane at times (toward the dogs). I was thinking of voting yes, even though a yes vote will cost some people their jobs.
And now I'm burned out in regards to politics...
So, School! My first term grades ended up being all A's and the other day I took the SAT subject tests in Chemistry, English, and Math (Level 1). I think I did fine on Math, alright on chem (the test was VERY hard for me because I had only taken one year of chemistry, and two months of that were wasted when my teacher had a stroke), and the English one I bombed. I only answered about half the questions, and those I answered I wasn't sure on. I don't know why I had so much trouble with it; normally I can do alright on tests like that, but that test did not go well AT ALL for me. I think that test might hurt my chances of getting into certain schools.. :(
And now let's shift to games. I've been playing Fable 2 the most out of any game lately. I beat the game as a "good" character, along with most of the side quests, but I sort of screwed myself out of totally finishing the file (I'd have to go into some spoilers to tell totally why, and I don't feel like making the spolier tags. :P ) I've been playing as a "evil" character now, terrorizing Albion through murder, pillage, and vulgar thrusts while only in my undergarments (which is a crime). I may consider writing a review for it at some point in the future.
And that is it for this blog...
Except for one thing I just remembered. We held a mock election at my high school today, ad to no great surprise, Obama, Kerry, and the other Dem. candidates won by very wide margins. Youth + Massachusetts = A Democrat's dream. :P
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