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Curtis1560 Blog

To the Max!!+First Semester Officially Over!!

Incase you're wondering about the first part of the blog title, I leveled up:P Just couldn't find a better phrase with the word "Max" in it:lol:

With the final coming and going today, my first semester of college is finally over. My final grade for my Mass Media Course: A-, giving me 17 total credits for the semester.

Now I get 2 weeks to do this:

Kensei and Gin 3Thats right, eat like a pig:lol: With all the complaining my high school friends were doing about their first semester, mine was pretty boring and oddly easy, when they started to complain I'd always tell them: If you can't make past semester 1, dropout. Harsh, but being blunt was always my thing. If being blunt didn't help...well...

Air BladeThink you can use that gif tofigure out how I'd make my friends get over their problem?:P

In other news, my mom and her BF got married yesterday morning. It wasn't a big ceremony, just some woman goin through the motions, with "Do you this and that" and the rings and the "I now pronounce you...," it went by in mere minutes.

In sports news, the baseball season is almost here!!:D:D Spring training is just a few weeks away and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Now then, I'm gonna go enjoy my 2 week vacation

*Runs to the kitchen*
Gintoki pics

See ya!!

Been Awhile Hasn't It? Some News...

Wow, how long has it been since I last blogged? At least a week...or three.

Anyway, moving on, the winter session of the semester ends this Tuesday...which happens to be the day I have my final. But since I took only 1 course this session, I only got 1 final!!:D This session sure was stressful...with all the snowstorms and such, but it really felt professor was late all the time cause he lives in Connecticut(Yes Connecticut), plus he cancelled class twice. I'd be overjoyed at those days IF I had known BEFORE I left my house at 5 in the morning and got there at 8. Those are precious hours of sleep I'll NEVER get back...*Sigh* Oh well, session is almost over at least.

In other news, my mom and her boyfriend are gettin married this Monday after 5 years of dating and arguments and other stuff!! Though I'm not a believer in love in anyway shape or form, the only thing I can do is wish em the best. The wedding is this Monday on Valentines Day and I'll have go to be their witness which means I'll miss the last day of class.

On a random note, I shaved off my moustache and beard yesterday and boy do I look DIFFERENT!! I never knew my mouth would look so small if I shaved:? Oh well, they'll grow back.

And finally, in sports news, the Packers won the Super Bowl!!:D YEAH!!!!*Dances with a random girl*Wait, who the heck are you? *Pushes her out* Anyway, longtime Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan is retiring after 23 years. Its gonna be weird seeing that team with a different team, oh well...

So yeah, thats all from, if you need me, I'll be on the boards...

Gintoki pics

See ya!!!

*Grumbles*Tagged yet again-5 favorite games of 2010

Thats right, thanks to dorthie2, I gotta do this top 5 things....great. Well lets get this over with.

5. King Kong-Despite it being so short, its got enough suspense, and surprises to engage you and keep you engaged.

4. Dragonball Z: Burst Limit- Great graphics for the game, over the top action, need I say more?

3. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm-Not much to say, fun fighting system at least:P

2. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2-Cinematic moments aplenty in this game, really captures the feel of the show

1. God of War 3-Thrill ride from start to end...only reminds me that Kratos is not to be messed with:P

There, got that outta the way:P

See ya on the boards.:D

DJ Boy? Do I have to make a song?

Yeah, I leveled up:lol:Say hello to the newest DJ Boy:D Anyway, how's everyone been? I know I haven't blogged in a few weeks, but thats because I haven't had anything to blog about, but I always seem to have a blog idea when I level up though, weird huh?:lol:

I started the B-session of the semester last week, it lasted only 3 days cause my professor had sinus surgery on the fourth day which was last Thursday, and it looks like I might have another 3 day week because good ol' New York is due for another snowstorm tomorrow night:cry:On the brightside, I heard that it won't be as bad as the last one, but it'll still be bad according to news channels.

In other news, I finally took down the Christmas tree yesterday. Usually, I take it down on New Year's Day but uh...laziness reared its ugly head:lol: Oh well, with the tree gone, the candy cane eating phase has begun:DHope they don't rot my teeth:lol: Anyone watching CES 2011? I watched it on G4 and I have to say, Japan gets all the coolest stuff, I defitnetly(ms?) have to go there before I die, even if its the last thing I EVER do:x

Any football fans here? The playoffs have begun and the 7-9 Seahawks actually defeated the defending Super Bowl champs New Orleans Saints, I'd say thats the biggest upset so far in the playoffs. The Colts lost to the New York Jets:( And yes, I'ma Colts fan, I may live in NY, but I hate both of NY's football teams:lol:

Well thats all I've gotta say.

*Puts on headphones*


Happy 3rd Anniversary Gotei 13 Union!!

Thats right, the legendary Gotei 13 Union is celebrating its 3rd year in business:D Seems like just yesterday I was a brand new recruit there, but most of you know I'm not:P

For those who don't know, the Gotei 13 is where I spend a majority of my time when I'm on GS, like my GS home to put it simply. Gotta thank the current Captains of the union for helping the place stay afloat, I'd thank myself, but I'm no longer a Captain:lol:Also have to thank the former Captains for their role too, they know who they are:P

I think a party is being held there so if you'll excuse me.

*Puts on party hat*


Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Its amazing how fast this year passed eh? Seemed like yesterday I was in high school celebrating my final year. Now my first semester of college is completed and I'm about to start the winter session next week. Talk about time flying. Well, only two and a half hours left until 2011 rolls around. I haven't done anything special all day, just lazing around watching basically, the same thing as last New Year's Eve:P

I came up with a few resolutions for the next year and here's what I came up with:

1. Don't make resolutions

2. Don't think about making any resolutions

3. Stop making resolutions about not making resolutions.

Yeah, incase you don't know, I really don't make resolutions anymore, never followed through with them.

With that said, I'll end this blog here.


Merry Christmas Everyone!!+Done with Semester

I know I said my next blog would be next year, but I kinda forgot Christmas was comin up:P Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and to all a good night:P

My first semester of college has come to a close. Thankfully I passed all my classes, here are the grades.

Haitian History(Why I took this class I'll never know)- B-
Elementary Spanish 1(Tired of takin this course!)- A-
English 12(Easiest honors course EVER!!)- A-
Health- C
European History- C

Total GPA- 3.0
Credits earned- 14/17(Not yet taken winter session course)My winter session course starts Jan. 3. Onecourse, hour and a half long, 4 days a week. The course being Mass Media, a basic film course to refresh my knowledge of film/video before the Spring Semester.8)

I keep hearing that people are gettin alot of snow. Luckily here in New York, we've only gotten minor flurries, hope it stays that way. Last year we got 2 blizzards which was just a nightmare.

Well in my spare time, I started something I haven't done since summer break...a story. Mainly did it out of boredom and had the idea for it in my head for like 4 years now so its been long overdue to be put on paper:lol: Those who remember me talkin about it, knows the gist of the story. For those who don't and want to know either PM or MSN me for basic plot, I'm kinda weird about not showing people unfinished work:P

As fo Christmas, I won't be doing anything special, just drinking lots of sorrel and eatin lotsa cake. Can't wait for tomorrow:lol:

Happy Holidays everyone

Grandpa Curtis

GAHH!! Now I'm sayin it, blast it FUR!!!

Reflections: 2006-2010

Ello everyone, I thought I'd post one last blog before the new year. A friend of mine from college showed me an evaluation he did of himself, meaning, he wanted to see how much he changed from a couple years ago till now, so he suggested I try it out and this is what I came up with:

2006 Version of Shawn:

Uncontrollable temper- Believe it or not, I wasn't the wisecracking, calm and collected guy I am today. I was actually a very short tempered kid. The slightest thing that annoyed me would drive me insane, which is why people always picked fights with me(Bad idea for them cause I do know to fight). In my defense, I don't start fights, I just finish em(Sounds cheesy I know:P), people who chose to fight me would always get in trouble instead of me, why? Having someone throw the first punch in a fight allowed me to plead self-defense:lol: I guess the reason I had a temper(I still do, but I control a lot better now, but thats somethin for later) is because of my heritage. My mom once told me that Jamaicans were descendants of pirates, and I'll let you guess what pirates did:P Plus, my family has a history(Was actually famous in Jamaica) of having bad tempers.

Liked Rap-I still do, but only old-school rap, not the garbage I hear on the radios and tv. To many people rappin about girls, money and other stupid stuff. AND I WANTED TO BE LIKE THEM!! Guess I just wanted to fit in.

EXTREMELY LAZY- I'm still lazy:lol: Just not as much.

So now you're probably wondering what happened that made me change. Well, one winter's day, I was relaxing in my bed thinking about my life up to that point and realized something: The crowd I wanted to be in wasn't my idea of a life, the rap waylife just didn't suit me, and these are the changes that hit me like bricks:

2010 Version of Shawn:

Learned to control my temper- Like I said before, I still have a temper(Thanks family), BUT I have learned to control it, in fact, I've only been2 fights since high school, the first being in m senior year(That guy now has a missing tooth to remember me by...yeah, a little force in that fight) and early in college(That person only had a bump on his forehead...hopefully, cause I stormed away in a rage sparing him only a passing glance, never seeing him again).

Got into rock music- The song that got me to like rock? "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback and the rest is history.

I also learned that there are people who are gonna hate me so I stopped bending over backwards to please people, as long as my friends liked me, I didn't care about the opinions of others. During this time, the rest of my personality changed. I'm became more calm under pressure, became more sarcastic, more aloof to the point where less and less things offended me(Almost emotionless:|) and learned to fight ONLY when legitly threatened by someone.

But these changesdid have some drawbacks however. Because my temper is more contained, I find myself "blacking out" when something annoys me. Basically, everything becomes a blur, moves more slowly and my body moves all on its own and when does, you can almost guarantee my hands have formed a fist, but I do regain control of myself before I actually hit anyone. I told this to my mom and thats where she told me about the Pirate ancestors and the family temper. I guess this is why my friends were afraid of me in high school, not just my voice, but the times I would "black out" when something irritated me. Whatever those things were, I can't remember them.

Overall, that little evaluation taught me things about myself I would have never suspected. Gotta remember to thank that jerk I call a friend the next time I see him:P

See ya around the boards. Next blog won't be until next year.

Near the End of the Semester+Other things+Top 30 Friends of 2010

Ello my fellow Gamespotters. Hope ya'll had a good Thanksgiving. I know I did, how good? Ate so much I gained 4 pounds in 1 day:lol: How do I know? My stepdad thought it funny to weigh ourselves after eating and my weight jumped from 154 to 158...and this guy who can't gain weight for his life, but somehow gains 4:lol: Whatever I ate that night I probably should keep eating:P

Now then, as you all know, the end of the semester is almost here, this coming Thursday as a matter of fact...than...FINALS:shock:*Dramatic music plays*After finals, Christmas break and the B-session of the semester, like I said, only 1 class that semester, and it basically covers what I did in high school. Easy credits FTW!!:lol:

Anything I'm forgetting...oh yeah, a friend of mine from college showed me this paper which he titled "One Without the Other" so I decided to read it. The object of it was that you can't one without the other, here are some examples:

1. You can't have without darkness

2. You can't have life without death

3. You can't have happiness without sadness

4. You can't have a frying pan without a fire(Yes...that was written)

5. You can't a console without a game(Again, yes...this was written)

Enjoy em:P

Also, while rummaging through my PS2 games(Actually just 9 in total:lol: ) I ran into an old game I forgot I had. Musashi: Samurai Legend. So, deciding to play it to take a break from Rogue Galaxy, I gave it a playthrough...hack n slash good time with beautiful cel-shaded graphics. All the makings of a good time(Review in later blog).

Finally, here something I decided to do in my 3 years of being a member of GS(4 if you count my alt. account:P), I decided to name my top 30 friends of the year. Criteria: Nothing to do with how much or little you commented in my blogs.

30. Kakarot589
29. Endl_ds
28. Darkfox55
27. AnimeAngel818
26. artsterisyours
25. Chaosjak93
24. Darth-Caedus
23. Azaru32
22. the-silent-hero
21. Juniorpower
20. Dorthie2
19. MudkipMaster30
18. n-re
17. nachi_lobo
16. nsoliveira
15. rikusgirl6
14. Slyfur
13. razerblade13
12. rocketfox129
11. seker456
10. soulless4now
9. nicaboy456
8. Eucalypta
7. Ebbon_Valentia
6. daorack
5. jooja42animefan
4. Katsuri
3. Nightmare
2. sfkm2
1. Colmillios

Congrats to those who made my list. Next blog will be around Christmas time...hopefully I'll have some eggnog by then.

See ya later!!

A Blog You Say Not? Aw What the Heck Sure...

Yeah....couldn't think of a title for this blog:lol:

Now then, college news. Semester ends Dec. 18. You all know that from my previous blogs. But I decided to take 1 class for the B-session of this semester. The B-session of a semester is a short month or two extension of a semester. The class I decided to take for the B-session is Mass Media, part of my Film major(Changed major to film last week). I figured that class would help refresh my memory on the basics of the tv, film and radio, plus its 3 extra credits. 4 days a week lasting an hour and a half. Not to bad.

Also laid out my courses for the spring semester. What are they? Thats a surprise:P

In other news. FINALS next month NO!!!:cry:It would be so much easier if they all didn't last for 2 hours and most of them are in the morning!! I gotta get up extra early for them!!WHY?!?!?!

Anyway thats all for now