@Patohua1 Wow - bitter. I've played this game since early Beta, and I rarely run into sniper nests. The reason being, as soon as a sniper starts dropping people, he gives his location away immediately. Hit the jump-jets, get behind him and it's bye-bye sniper.
You're right about one thing though - you really enjoy the game much more as part of a squad. That way you can call for help when your Sunderer is being pounded by aircraft.
@dannydopamine8 I am a gamer in my 40's. I feel I definitely have the spark and enthusiasm to enjoy games, and judging from my ranking in current multiplayer pc games I'm fairly good at them too. I have to question any argument that focuses its prejudice based solely on the age of a reviewer and his ability to write fluently.
Oh, and by the way, the dude's name was Shakespeare. With an extra "e". I think he might have taken offence at your labelling his entire volume of work as crap.
I bought all of the games in this series. I started off very hopeful, but got more and more disappointed as it went on. Don't bother with them. Great cartoon visuals, but thin on decent storyline and gameplay.
@dannyodwyer Good luck in SanFran Danny - I hope you get back to the RE shows once you're settled in. Have you tried the Deponia trilogy from Daedelus yet? It's worth it just to listen to some of the intro/link songs. Badly translated prose sung in harmony - brilliant!
@dannyodwyer @franzito I recently bought Myst on Steam, as I never got around to playing it back in the day when it was OH SO POPULAR. Sad to say, I still don't know what's going on, who all the characters are, where to click, etc. I gave up a few weeks ago. Still, at least I can say I'm equally in the dark as many other gamers.
@Thumbler76 Oh man, how could I have forgotten Bladerunner?! In fact, I think I still have the 6 CD box set somewhere in the attic. Now, where's that ladder?
Wow, Danny - walk a stroll down memory lane! I have played many of the games featured in this week's episode. I deeply loved the original Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, The Dig, Beneath a Steel Sky. Dammit, I loved them all! I still play some of them from time to time, but I guess the one I always go back to is Sam & Max. The humour is absolutely perfect and still makes me laugh out loud.
I've not laughed so much in ages! That crazy hit-and-run bear game was fantastic - I hope I never get a badger through my sunroof! Brilliant show as always Danny (& Johnny), please keep them coming.
CyberByte727's comments