Most of my friends have never heard of UT which seems really weird to me. Some of them even think that UT3 is a Gears of War rip off because they never heard of Epic before Gears. Ive always love UT and really hope that this one will play well on the PS3, cant wait to get my hands on it.
Im looking forward to MGS4 probably the most, but Killzone 2 is second, i completely forgot about Resistance 2 until now so ill add that to my list too.
Most of the people i work with put it down. but its because they cant afford it atm and some have even said that if they could afford one then they would own one. a couple of my friends bash it because they have 360s and only play that. i play my 360 on live with them but once they saw me playing resistance on line i could tell that their minds are beginning to change.
i have both and each have their high and low points.I play pretty much only shooters on my 360 and its a blast. i use the ps3 for exclusives. most multiplat games i play are on 360 cuz almost none of my friends own a ps3. i would say now is the time when you could go either way, 360 has Gears, Halo, Mass Effect. PS3 has Resistance, Uncharted, MGS (eventually). Both have COD4, assassin's creed which are awesome games.I'd say if you could afford itget both eventually but at the moment i give the edge to the 360.
Yes, its one of my fav. games. my friends and i would play usually for at least 3 hours a day. not so much anymore, school is taking over my life at the moment.
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