I'm so excited for this game to be released. Uncharted is my favorite PS3 game so far and it should only get better with Uncharted 2, I thought the beta was a lot of fun but im focused on the single player campaign.
i wouldnt favor a plasma over an LCD, its mainly preference in the end. That tv would probably work fine for you if you don't have much of a preference for a specific look. Personally I would go with a Samsung 1080p 120hz lcd over the pan. i like the colors on samsungs much more than most other brands mainly because they seem more vibrant. Its a little bit more money but bestbuy sells a 40inch 1080p 120hz Samsung for $1000, i'd recommend looking into that if you can afford to spend a little bit more cash. As for the HDMI just go to amazon, hdmis in stores are way overpriced.
Just 1 here, Uncharted 2. I'd like to get borderlands, tekken 6, and demon souls but school consumes my life so i don't have much free time or extra money.
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