wait really? i'm actually really surprised that the 3DS is only at 36 after 1 year. Resistance : Burning Skies, we do know for a fact those are coming to Vita this year. Burning Skies has a May 29th release date.
It has 36 games that scored above 6 at Gamespot or Metacritic.
And yes, it seems as though I've forgotten Burning Skies.
Wait...doesn't the 3DS play regular DS titles as well?
Will this be restricted or what?
I'm not joking. It's a ****ing stupid move on their part. Why not release the game on the 3DS? It will actually sell the system. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It's probably because the 3DS already has alot of games coming soon, and the system is still selling well. They'll probably release a 3DS title when system sales are sliping and when there aren't any system sellers in the near future.
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