Is anybody else staying up through all of this? I;m Australian so it's easy for me. :P
D4W1L4H's forum posts
Why is Iwata sitting in a seemingly 1980's recording studio.
Watching this tells me that one cannot learn enough japanese from watching anime throughout most of thier teen years.
All I want is a confirmed EU/NA release date of:
- Bravely Default FF
- Animal Crossing 3D
- Fantasy Life
- Fire Emblem 3DS
- Heroes of ruin
- Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney.
More info on NN implementation dates/phases (More specifically, when we will be able to create accounts; Gotta get the good usernames!)
So... Just under 5 hours until it happens! Can't wait!
But that hasn't been released yet you guys.
and from what I've heard from it, It's still not a unified network.
No, it hasn't been released yet, but the announcment has already been done, so you're essentially waiting for something that's already been revealed. :P
And yes, it is a unified network.
Personal Accounts for Wii U - Nintendo will now allow personalized accounts for its next home console, which will allow multiple users per system.Online profiles will no longer be system-based."We will also be able to construct and offer the [personal account system] by combining a variety of different services and content," Iwata said.
Digitally Distributed Packaged Software -Nintendo is exploring the idea of selling full retail games through the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. The company is not willing to say when this program will start, but it now has the full ability to do so. Iwata noted Nintendo would need to consider retailer relationships first. He also noted SD card space limitations would be another factor. "The significance of this business field will increase," said Iwata.
Paid Downloadable Content - As we've heard previously, publishers will now be able to offer paid DLC for different games, starting with Square's Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, which will allow players to purchase new songs for the rhythm-based game. The title releases in Japan on February 16.
"As a software maker, Nintendo believes that its packaged software should be sold to our consumers in a form so that the consumers will know in advance that they can enjoy playing the software they purchased just as it is," Iwata said. "We believe that our consumers will be able to feel more secure if we offer our add-on content as an additional structure in which those who love the game will be able to enjoy it in a deeper way for a prolonged play time."
I have to be honest... how much are we really hyping this? Because, it sounds like we're expecting some kind of mini-megaton or even megaton of this sort, or is it just me? Either way, I'm anticipating what they have to say, but I don't think we'll get many "megaton" news. Bah, it's hard to even gauge what to expect. I guess the real "megaton" is people expecting FF VII or DQ VII or something "Big" like that, along with the small announcements. So, is there really any belief a "megaton" game will be announced at this conference? Or is it just going to be a collective amount of news to create a "big" event out of this conference? I feel that if Nintendo is going to try and garner attention away from Vita and it's launch by offering news and information of near releases of software/demos/features/etc between now and E3. (Or it could be stuff to look forward to until E3.)yoshi_64
New Zelda 3DS confirmed! :D
Really I'm just hoping Nintendo Reveals a Better Online System.
I always hope they do on all of these Conferences.
Didn't they already do that...?
1. Demon/Dark souls
2. Portal
3. Gears of War
4. Bastion
5. Batman Arkham Series
6. Metro 2033
7. Mass Effect
8. L.A Noire
9. Dead Rising
10. Bayonetta
11. Dragon Age
12. Minecraft
Left 4 Dead better than No More Heroes? :lol:
Wii U specs have been constantly changing according to numerous developers, so there is no way any rumored specs could be true.
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