Nintendo trying to make money!? What!? And no, those "leaked specs you're referring to would be physically impossible and would require the system to be 1400mm^2. According to neogafWii:U wishes it can pump out graphics but knowing Nintendo...
They would save costs to make more profit.
As in slap a new paint job on an old car and sell like its new to the masses... hence more money.
So the tech I highly doubt will be visually impressive as games that are maximised on PC.
Its only going to be slightly better than the PS3 and 360, a 5/6 year old console.
It will be somewhat already outdated before its even released going by the leaked specs.
And PC will dominate the Wii:U
D4W1L4H's forum posts
I meant the rumored specs.percechYou mean those "360 level" specs? Someone over at GAF kindly did the math for Such a device: 1400mm^2 just for 768MB eDRAM @45nm. Obviously fake.
He got his turn.Cherokee_Jack
Now I might be ignorant due to lack of experience in one of these areas, but I'm fairly certain that no GBA game is more demanding of your attention than sleeping with a gorgeous woman.
Maybe Wario Ware, but that's it.
[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"][QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] *looks at a bicycles, motorbikes* hmmm look I can get from point A to point B...including methods which are more fuel efficient than cars...yep seems to be the exact same market to me. Infact your right it literally isn't the same market all automobiles have is motor enthusiasts keeping it afloat and bicycles have houndreds of millions of people keeping them afloat. lol when are people gonna realize if your in the vehicle industry, skateboards, bikes then your competing with each other...hell if your in the transport industry which vehicles are apart of you are competing with trains and other such things which is why we have heard quite a few times about so and so public transport ticket pricing drops affecting car sales.WilliamRLBakerFixed lol your such a fool nothing you said disproved what I said. but lets look at it. Remember folks when Cars first came onto scene every one kept using horses, horse drawn carriages and kept riding bikes...F*** they kept walking every where they went right? to this day riding a horse, walking some where or riding your bike outnumber car riders right? your a fool to believe that the smart phone gaming market isn't DIRECTLY competing with the stand alone hand held market. But wait! wait there is more I assure you there is more. Some how iphones, ipod touch, ipads...didn't destroy the dedicated mp3 player market right? the dedicated mp3 market is alive and well right? lol such a fool. Just because a smart phone is capable of playing a game, does not mean it is in the same market as a dedicated handheld. In the same way that a bicycle, though outselling cars in this day and age, is not in the same market as the car market. You know why no one rides horse carriages anymore? Because cars were a direct advancement. You know why people still ride bicycles? Because they're not competing with cars. You know why no one uses MP3's anymore? Because the iPod was a direct advancement. You know why no one uses bar phones anymore? Because smartphones were a direct advancement. You know why the 3DS is flying of the shelves? Because it's not in direct competition with smart phones.
They weren't fabled, they just died out after the Dreamcast.The fabled Hedgehog
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Rare was dead when Nintendo dropped them and all their key talent left.SW__Troll
Their FPS talent left before Nintendo dropped them, but I don't think it necessarily killed them. I mean they made some good stuff this gen.
I think the actual killing blow came to them once the Stamper bros sold their shares to Microsoft. Losing CEOs, and even moreso the founders, can be very harsh on a company.
That happened in 2007 after which the Rare we knew finished up what games they had already in development, and then became the Rare they are now.
Not sure if trolling.
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