Unfortunately Supermarket Sweep might be difficult, the original host Dale Winton died last month. So it would be extremely difficult to find someone similar.
I guarantee you if you look back in the 70s there will be posters and album art that was similar, just because it used similar colours, similar the key word, especially for the Chewie poster which is more yellow than orange, doesn't mean it has copied anything.
But why is it a light coloured background? Because a dark one would have been worse for the design.
As said if you look back in the 70s you will find posters/album art like this all over the place, which is when the original Star Wars was released, making this the ideal way of that nostalgia feel for long term Star Wars fans.
@roycruz: You know when people start using terms like PC-fanboys and PS-fanboys (and even Xbox-fanboys) you know they are just as bad as the people they are trying to discriminate against. Just sayin.
Some of those PC stills, vids looked to me not ultra+ quality rendering, there was little bitmapping, occlusion etc. I hope Gamespot didn't sell out to try and fool people into thinking the XOne X was better by lowering the PC settings to Medium or Low, as that would be bad.
There was already a live action movie for Attack on Titan, they tried to make it set in the future of our own world, the effects were good, but the story was a bit screwy.
Which is the reason why nobody should be making live action movies of Anime. Let alone American companies.
@riotinto876 If you think Beta testing is working, then you are clearly deluded. Beta testing is done for a reason, but it is totaly useless when people don't actually beta test.
What is needed is publishers/developers to keep a database of people who correctly beta test so they are invited the next time for the same game or another. Anyone who did nothing but just play the game, they are removed from future beta testing.
But Lo I bet the kids will start crying about that idea, "how dare you take away my free legal gamez!"
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