@snxx an Opinion is an Opinion, like a review it is the opinion of the reviewer no matter their professional level. Just like when you ask a friend how something tasted and should you get it, it is their opinion, he could be a food critic or not but an opinion will always be an opinion.
Critics are just another word for reviewers at the end of the day, but they get paid to do so because they have good use of the English language - unlike most people on here who have terrible grammar.
@KingsterX Opinions have been used for centuries to guide actions, Politicians use Opinions to further their goals, Army forces use opinions from high ranks to forms strategies. And for some reason you think a review is not an opinion?
@billlabowski Again as said before I can show you a few PS3 exclusive titles that got 8-9.5 scores. And some that also got low scores. Its not intended to be bait, the crying people who don't understand the nature of reviews and attack viciously are the reason these episodes exist.
Just to let those people who accuse Gamespot of being under the employ of MS, there we plenty of other PS3 exclusive titles which got 8-9.5 in the ratings here. So there goes your conspiracy theory. I can equally show you reviews of X360 exclusive titles that got a bad score here also.
I expect many crying and accusations to come my way :P
DABhand's comments