Once the poll ended and they decided they'd change the combat system into a turn based one, I completely tuned out of anything related to the game at all.
@kozzy1234 I don't like anything I've seen of it, and I've followed development progress through its alpha to release.
The next step is playing it to come to a complete conclusion on whether I'd truly like it or not, but it's not in my interest to do so, at least not anytime soon.
I'm not going to play it, because I don't believe it's a very good game.
Sad thing is they're also developing Planescape's sequel in the same style. I doubt many people just want a Planescape themed Wasteland 2; they want Planescape 2, and from what I've seen, InXile aren't going to adhere to our expectations.
Sad that I backed it, but at least I didn't invest much money into it at all.
@DarkLord Probably because the 'next-gen' consoles can't run at last-gen resolutions and framerates.
We can do 4K and 120/144+FPS at 1080p now while maxed out, the new consoles can't even hit 1080p30, which is an absolute joke. Even worse is they won't be updated for the next 7-10 years, which will either drag down the gaming industry so badly, or cause developers to start focusing on PC instead, the latter of which being an understandable (and welcome) solution.
@cheesemaste1988 Money is worth different amounts to everyone. Your $1/h value could be $1/50h value to someone else.
Subscriptions aren't a "buy once, play forever" thing, which puts it into people's minds that unless you're playing whenever you can, you're wasting your subscription money. You get busy those 30 days or decide to play something else for a while, your sub runs out and you have to pay up again if you want to play again. Compared to buying a game once, even for $50, you have all the time in the world to play it and aren't wasting anything by not doing so.
Well, you could argue that because piracy is so rampant and easy, that you can use that as a 'demo', buying (and finishing) the game if you like it.
But.. yes, I miss demos. Jagged Alliance 2, Starcraft, Dark Messiah, Knights & Merchants, Starsiege: Tribes.. so many demos from the past I played for long days/weeks/months of my life.
DAOWAce's comments