I just remembered it lol. I'm at Shae stadium (Met's' home) and I'm driving by it and it's a Mets vs. Atheletics game, i don't even think they even verse eachother throughout the whole year in real life but whatever. Well, me, I'm a huge Yankee fan and as I drive by I yell out "LET'S GO OAKLAND!" to piss off the Met fan pedestrians. I hate the Mets so passionately. Anyways as I'm drivivng away I see this kid from my school that I hate... HATE. And this is how you know I hate him, he's a met fan IRL, but in my dream he was a RED SOX fandressed in full RED SOX gear :lol:. Had I known it was a dream I would have pulled the car over and beat him senselessly. :P
DA_B0MB Blog
Attention all future Warhawk pilots!
by DA_B0MB on Comments
On August 28th, 2007 I will plan on trying to meet some of you online in Warhawk :D! My intentions are not clear yet on wether I will try and make a clan or just have some guys/gals to get to know to play with/against. If you are intrested in playing with me when Warhawk in released, please add me on PSN. My new PSN ID is N1GHT. I would only request that you add me if you have a headset or will be purchasing the Blu-ray version of Warhawk, which comes packed in with a Blu-tooth wireless headset. I look foward tomeeting many of youonline! ;)
Wow, uber weird/cool dream (long read but intresting!)
by DA_B0MB on Comments
Ok, so I'm a marine in what looks to be Pearl Harbor and ofcourse since I'm a huge gamer there are some twists to the dream. My commander is Hoffman from Gears of War :lol: (the old guy). But wait, that's not all, the ship I'm enlisted to is the USS Miranda Keyes, a commander from Halo 2 :lol:. Anyway, Hoffman intercepts a transmition from the Japanese saying that they plan on striking the USS Miranda Keyes first. Hoffman then decides to try and trick the Japanese, he knows that they an hear him over the radio so he says that we are now moving the USS Miranda Keyes outwards to some random river place.
Now here was my suicidal mission, I had to go to the location where Hoffman was supposed to send the USS Miranda Keyes onto a very small boat with a few other marines and fend off any Japanese coming to attack :|. Oh and the punchline to this was that Hoffman gave me a model replica of the USS Miranda Keyes to bring with me to the location :lol:. Anyways, within a few minutes planes start flying over head. The first plane is Chinese though strangely enough but doesn't fire :?. Several Minutes afterwards Japanese bombers begin to arrive. They had dumb bombs which were pretty inefficient due to poor accuracy.
Once they realized they couldn't hit such a small target with dumb bombs they turned to their Machine guns. Soon enough bullets were cutting through the boat at ridiculous speeds and amounts. I'm yelling at the marine right of me to get down but he ended up getting shot in the shoulder. For those of you who have ever played Call of Duty 2, imagine that level where you have like 100 germans coming at you and firing and you're in a room you can't get out of. That part'sin the English campaign.
I curled my legs in, fearing I would be hit from the many angles of fire. There was not a moment where a bullet wasn't whizzing past my head. As time passed a few more of my marines were killed next to me. I just wanted to get out of there. Eventually the boat started sinking. I took a deep breathe, hoping to stay under long enough for the Japanese to think I'm dead. After about a minute I swam out to a nearby building and looked to hold my ground with the few remaining beside me for as long as we could. We went upstairs.
I was very limited on ammo. A few Japanese soldiers were running up the stairs trying to get to us but I shot most with my handgun. Once I was completely out of ammo we had to throw stuff down the stairs to try and stop them. This worked for a few long minutes. Now I see a woman, holding a razor coming up the stairs, walking. She wasn't Japanese. I didn't want to hurt or kill a woman so I did the only thing I can think of. I took out my empty handgun and pointed it at her and told her I'd shoot her and that I wasn't afraid to. Soon afterwards she retrieved a gun from behind her, aimed and fired at me hitting me square in my chest.
I fell back and my vision went black. I then felt the comfort of sheets as I lay on my back. Had my fellow marines saved me? No, I just woke up. :P
I just beat Resident Evil 4 for the first time on PS2 and...
by DA_B0MB on Comments
All I can say is it's easily the game of the generation. Honestly, you couldn't ask for more in a game from last gen. Hell, RE4 puts some current gen games to shame graphically and when it comes to judging an overall game, RE4 is better than any current generation game out right now. Capcom has truely outdone themselves. I pray that they will be able to deliver a survival/horror experience at least as fantastic as RE4 did.
After beating RE4, my #1 most anticipated game of this generation thusfar has to go to RE5. Enough great things can't be said about this game. If you've never played it, go out and buy it, don't rent because this will be one of those games you just have to beat 10 times over just because it's so damn good! I have beaten a lot of games to say the least, but out of all those countless I will go out and say that Resident Evil 4 is the greatest game I have ever played. And I am not exaggeratingin the leastbit.
My hype and bet for the GOTY is...
by DA_B0MB on Comments
This is no shock to those who see my posts a lot but the GOTY 2007 at Gamespot and across most gaming magazines and websites will be... *drum roll*...
Almost there...
Just a little more!
Official hype - 9.5 and GOTY
Guitar Hero II is too addicting!
by DA_B0MB on Comments
Very rarely will you find me absent for more than two days here. It takes a truely addicting game to keep me away for that long, and thatgame is Guiat Hero II. A couple days ago I used to think Guitar Hero was one of the most overpriced and overrated games. I walked into a Planet X (game store for those unfamilliar) in my local mall with my friend Joe and saw the demo for it. I figured why not, so me and Joe decided to give it a try. The game was so fun and addicting, it turned a skeptic such as myself into a fan in a matter of 10 minutes. In just 10 minutes $100 seemed like nothing as I threw it down to buy the guitar and the game.
I took it home and hooked it up and as I played "Surrender" for the first time on my 360 I had the longest smile I've ever had playing a game. I couldn't be happier about buying this game and to all who never played Guitar Hero, I highly reccomend it. :D
PSWii60 Complete! I finally got my Wii today! (pic inside)
by DA_B0MB on Comments
BEHOLD... My PSWii60!
It was a difficult item to get but in the end, with the addition of my Wii to my PS3 and 360, I finally have a PSWii60! I'm really happy with all my consoles and can honestly say so far I don't dislike any of them. Today is a very happy day. :D
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer...
by DA_B0MB on Comments
Only 18 more hours until I will be holding my brand new Wii. I know I've been talking about it alot lately but it really was alot of hard work to get and find as well. Going to sleep tonight is going to be hard. I feel like a little kid almost. :P
Confirmed- PSWii60 to be complete on SUNDAY!
by DA_B0MB on Comments
Yes, yes, it's true. For the first time, I will have all consoles of a generation and I couldn't be happier it's this one. I am so fortunate to have a friend who works at Toys R' Us because he is the one holding a Wii for me when only employees are aloud to due to the high demand. He Called me up (his name is Vinny) while I was watching Transformers the movie (VERY good movie by the way).
This is the conversation:
*unknown phone call coming in on my phone*
Me: "Vinny?"
Vinny: *Background noises*
Me: "Vinny is this you?"
Vinny: "My name is not important right now"
Me: "..." (I'm on the verge of hanging up thinking it's a prank phone caller)
Vinny: "Operation STEALTH Wii is go! I repeat, operation STEALTH Wii is go!"
And that's the end of the intresting part of the phone call. Me and him established the code name "Stealth Wii" to represent my reservation of A Wii, Super Paper Mario, anda classic controller. Yea I know it's corny, but not for nothing, getting a Wii these daysis Mission Impossible practically.:P
DA_B0MB's 2007 gaming purchases (My wallet is dead!)
by DA_B0MB on Comments
Wii Purchases
Nintendo Wii = $250
Super Paper Mario = $50
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption = $50
SSBB = $50
Classic controller = $20
Extra Wii controller = $60
XBOX 360 purchases
Halo 3 = $60
Mass Effect = $60
Bioshock = $60
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare= $60
GTA IV = $60
PGR4 = $60
Assasin's Creed = $60
PLAYSTATION 3 purchases
Unreal Tournament 3 = $60
Haze = $60
Uncharted = $60
Warhawk = $60
Nintendo DS purchases
Zelda Phantom Hourglass = $35
GRAND TOTAL = $1,310.75 (tax included)
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