Wow - if we don't buy the full price game now we're killing babies?!?! Only a liberal could come up with something that convoluted and illogical. Yes, I said it and I went there. Also, from your statement I gather you pay $60 for very single game you play? Good for you. And just to keep things in perspective, Borderlands 2 is one of 8, yes, EIGHT games I have fully paid off that are on pre-order at the current moment. So don't give me your high and mighty attitude about cancelling a pre-order because I choose to be a little more calculating with how I spend my money. How can you seriously begrudge someone for wanting to wait an additional 6-8 months and end up saving $60-$70? FAIL.
As Dave Hester would say : "YYYYYUUUP!!" I will be going to cancel my pre-order this weekend and pick something else up.Dumb move announcing this Gearbox......
AWESOME!!!! Now I get to shell out $60 for the game since I've pre-odered it AND an additional $30 for the DLC!!!! $90 videogame I guess. Gosh, it almost makes me want to cancel my pre-order and wait for the inevitable GOTY edition, which will be about $40 tops. I get that the developers and publishers need the cash and that's how business operates, but it just doesn't seem right somehow.....
Mixed bag of news this is. On one hand it's a bummer because I've been waiting for this for a long time and have it prepaid, but on the other hand there's a glut of games coming out around this time (ALIENS : Colonial Marines, Resident Evil 6, COD : BO II, Borderlands 2 and likely Devil May Cry & Tomb Raider) so it'll give me a chance to play one or two of those that I wasn't going to because of BIOSHOCK Infinite. And of course it'll give me something to look forward to ion 2013.
***sigh*** Everything I loved about the first DEAD SPACE seems like it's slowly being peeled away game by game. Don't get me wrong - I loved DS2, but it wasn't as atmospheric or scary as the first and I didn't think the MP in it was all that exciting, even if it was a good idea. But what this article says about DS3? Yeesh. Another player in the campaign will eliminate a lot of tension and honestly, this sounds like Lost Planet 3 overall. But we shall see. Here's hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
Here's a novel idea: make a game so good to begin with that you can't bear to not have it in your collection. SEE : Bioshock, BATMAN : Arkham _____, God Of War, etc.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Bayonetta is my favorite game of all time!!!!! This really sucks to hear. I wonder if Platinum could take this to another publisher?
The jury's out on this for me until I actually pay the game. GOW is one of my all-time favorite videogames / series and I've only known it as a single-player experience. And while I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer, I do like it somewhat and think it works very well with military type games. But while GOW is combat-oriented, it's not military per se so I have my reservations. I look to Dead Space 2 as an example. That was a game that seemed like a natural fit for a MP experience, but for whatever rason, it just wasn't as fun as it could or should have been. I have the sneaking suspicion this is going to turn out much the same way - long on potential, short on delivery.
Myself, when it comes to game & movie trailers, I tend to watch just enough to get a feeling for the product and that's about it. I like to actually be surprised and have something to look forward to come time I sitdown to enjoy said product. PS - who are these d*ucheb@g$ that are giving a thumbs down to every comment that favors being surprised as opposed to knowing every little detail ahead of time? What's that all about???
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