Isn't there supposed to be two Resident Evil games? One regular and one VR, both different in story from each other (I think)? I hope so because this disappointingly worries me. When the cannibal axe guy showed up and the player's response was to just walk away, that pretty much killed any tension that was supposed to build up...
@idkhowtoplay007: Agreed, this doesn't even feel on the level of Outlast. I felt no tension watching the axe guy slowly saunter up to the player, same with the old hag with the bees. the weird creatures in the third trailer seemed interesting and the environments seemed good, but aside form the unidentified creatures, this looks like a generic, sub-par horror game...
This is hilarious in two different ways. First, Conan is always funny as hell, obviously. And second, so many people here getting their panties in a twist from him making fun of the game and saying negative stuff about it. Okay, regardless if you subscribe to his brand of humor, or follow him in any sort of way, if you at least know who he is you'd know he's not a video game reviewer, he's a comedian, he's doing this both for comedy and because this is basically paid advertisement for whatever game he's talking about. Quite honestly, outside of his "Clueless Gamer" segment, he probably doesn't even really play video games(don't think he's ever indicated he does...). Even if you don't know who he is (don't know how...), just listen to him, does he sound like he's serious?
After the fan rage has dies down once Metal Gear Survive is out for a while, it's probably gonna be at best a forgettably okay game. I'm calling it, it'll be quickly forgotten after about a month after it's release!
And coincidentally I recently decided to replay the trilogy for funsies, usually in this instance since I own all three games already I wouldn't bother with this just because it's a graphics upgrade (just like the Metro series, I already own both games, why get it again just for new graphics?) but since this includes all the DLC for the games I may actually consider it now...
@imike_m: That is your opinion and I can respect that. My opinion though while it definitely feels like it took a left turn from what made the first two memorable for me, it replaces it with something that makes it memorable on it's own and even then still feels like it belongs. It in no way ruined the series...
Don't even care that they have Leto on this list, so long as they gave just due props to Hamill. Hamill's Joker set the bar for how a dark Joker performance should be...
DJ-Wolfman09's comments