Wow have not bloged in a while!
Well I'm back from my vacation in Mexico. Had a lot of fun there for two months. This is practically the end of my summer vacation since I start college once again August 26th so I'm looking forward to getting some gaming done. To be honest I'm not very happy with how college is going. The CSU's keep loosing money therefore keep cutting classes. As it stands I my schedule for the Fall 2009 semester is a follows:
American Politics from 10:10 am to 11:00 am
Second Year of English from 11:10 am to 12:00 pm
*Some random class I had to take in order to have the minimum requirements for my scholarship* from 7:10 pm - 10:45 pm
*Another random class to have minimum units for scholarship* From 7:10 pm - 10:45 pm
Same as Monday excluding the night class
Thursday I have off
Same as Wednesday
Now I would not have a problem with this schedule other than the fact that all of those classes are for General Education and the fact that I have an hour and a half commute to school. Really hope these problems with the CSU's are fixed soon.
My vacation:
I know that initially on my last blog entry I stated that I would be going to Rome at one point of my vacation, however, that plan was changed and we (My girlfriend and I) took a "country tour" of Mexico. I wont go into great detail since this is a gaming forum and my next topic is practically the most important part of this blog. I will say this: Summer of 09 has been the best summer I have ever spent.
It's been two months since I have played a video game. Over the summer I visited some locations in Mexico where I was able to obtain some pretty cheap games. Most of the games I bought were old school cartridges for the NES and SNES along with a couple of GBA I have had trouble finding. Since I don't have either the NES or SNES in my house here in the US I left all of my purchases back in Mexico except for one notable game.... Gears of War 2.
A while back I wrote a blog talking about my new milestone in gaming. You can read it here if you wish. Well, when game hunting in Mexico I came across a very cheap copy of Gears of War 2. For $200 pesos (about $15 USD) I was talked into buying it again. I had been hearing from my friends that it was ok once you get used to it and that lag switching was pretty much gone. So I now own Gears of War 2 once again AND I have all the DLC for it.
Recently I also bought Battlefield 1943 and I love it. Much better than Bad Company in my opinion.
*Wish list for 2009/2010 coming soon*
Well that pretty much wraps things up for now (it's 1:00 am here and I'm tired). I went for two months without video games and I would love to get some gaming done before I start school. Xbox GT is DJSAV101 add me if you would like to play online with me (list of games I own for the 360 is right here. Also I have all the maps for Gears of War 2 so if anybody want to play then let me know. I will be honest right now.... I am not very good at Gears of War 2. I got used to the first one and its taking me some time to get used to the changes in Gears 2. Don't expect me to be pro. :P I'll give it my all but stupid mistakes are bound to happen. :lol: (Either way I always play for fun... never very competitive).
Ok this is getting pretty long. I will dedicate a future blog to all gaming to get all that I wanted to say out.
Thanks for reading :)
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