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Whats been going on with me lately

Well its been a while since my last blog post so I thought I'd update you guys with what has been going on with DJSAV_101.

My Relationship

I thought it would never happen but my relationship with my girlfriend has come to an end after 2 years. Don't worry this isn't an "ZOMG my life is over :cry:" blog post. :P I guess the love just went away and really there was nothing I could do to stop it. We decided it would be best if we just stayed good friends so no grudge came out of this. :) I'll admit not seeing her in the mornings anymore really hit me hard. I missed her. Its been two months since the break up and I've pretty much gotten over it. In fact, I've got my eyes set on someone very special right now but I just haven't built up the courage to ask her out so I'm working on it. ;)


Three weeks left of my semester in college :D. I've been doing pretty well even though I do skip on some lectures every once in a while. I've also taken an interest in philosophy. Next semester I'm going to look more into that subject. I'm still undecided on what I want to do so I hope I get a vision or something so that I can start the road to my future.

Working out

I've cut down on my work out. I still do but I go every other day now as opposed to my previous routine of everyday. Its funny that I've cut down because I actually met the girl I mentioned at the end of "My Relationship" at the gym. I have been loosing weight since I don't play a sport at school anymore (there is no need to have he big muscles anymore since I don't play football anymore). I'm just trying to stay in the "yeah I work out look at my abs" range now.


I've been cutting down. I recently acquired a copy of Resident Evil Code Veronica X for the Nintendo Gamecube but have only played it for about 20 minutes. It's not just that game; I've grown tired of all my games! I haven't been able to play any game for more than an hour before I get completely bored. I know that I could just buy more games but i just don't want to play them anymore. I'll be on once in a while but not like before.

Yeah that's pretty much whats been going on in my life lately. I'm getting an Ipod touch tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that. Thanks for Reading. :)


Yet another New Milestone ***UPDATE***

Well... what can I say. I love Resident Evil. Just completed Resident Evil 5 100% including all achievements which marks it as my first Xbox 360 game I have 1000/1000 in. I'm not much of an achievement hunter though. Most games I own don't have me going back to them and trying to complete them 100% but RE5 was something else.

RE5 completely blew my expectations out of the water except it was way too short (clocked in at 5:01:39 my first playthrough on Normal (all S ranked), 3:33:39 on Veteran(all S ranked except for 3 A's) and 4:43:09 on Professional (mostly A and S ranked no B or C).

Spring Break is next week for me so if I have some spare time I'll write my review for Resident Evil 5. (It would be my first review at GS as well).

I will say one thing, If you are looking for a good action game with co-op options then definitely give Resident Evil 5 a shot.



Finished Amature in 2:08:00. I think I'm officially done with this game. :)

Going Back to the Wii until the 13th.

I finally got an LAN adaptor to connect to the internet with the Wii. I used to play using a wireless signal that was not mine but it started fading away. I can finally play online with the Wii now. I even celebrated by purchasing World of Goo (even though I already had it on my laptop. :P ) and Super Mario Bros. 3(even though I have it on the NES and GBA). :lol: Thoses games are just awesome.

The reason I'll be playing it only until the 13th should be very obvious... Resident Evil 5 is practicaly here! :D I haved the standard edition fully paid off so on Friday I just have to walk in and out. I still can't believe my cousin already got to play the full game in Mexico seeing how piracy is a big problem there (they had Brawl when the Japanese version was released). I asked him how many chapters there were and said 6 so I guess it may be much longer than RE4 (Fastest clear time : 6:56 on professional 7th playthrough GC). I can't wait. :D

So I'll be playing the Wii from now to the 12th so if anyone wants to play some Brawl or Mario Kart online leave your friend code in a comment. You will find my friend codes on my images. I'm not that good in Brawl anymore having not played it since August but I'm still good at Mario Kart 8)


New Milestone + Street Fighter 4

I've been pretty much "collecting" video games for over 14 years now and no matter how bad a game was I would always keep it. However, on February 16 I decided it was best to get rid of one game in my collection.

The culprit is none other than:

Now don't get me wrong; the single player campaign and horde are terrific modes in the game. What really frustrated me were the.... guess... Public matches! At first it wasn't too bad. The match making was slow but when you got in a match it was fun. Then the glitches were discovered and a lot of people started abusing them (shiled glitch, going through walls, etc.). There was some stand bying but not to the extent that every match you were in had "that one guy". The glitches were then patched and a pernalty for quitting was included. Thats when stand bying got out of hand. I'm not going to lie, I was scared to get a forth rank in any match because it meant that at one point there would be a lag switch turned on most of the time. February 16 I played 5 matches, the first 4 with lag switching. The 5 match started great; no cheating... that is until my team went 4-0. We got lag switched loosing 4-5. That was it! Four months I put up with it and I was done. I told my friend, "You know what? I'm done. I'm trading it in."

I got $30 for it because I traded it for the reservation of what could be the most addicting game I have ever played:

(Note: I have the 360 version. I just couldn't find the box art for that version :P )

Its been a while since I had enjoyed a fighting game so much. The last fighting game I played and really enjoyed was Killer Instinct for the SNES. Its took a couple of hours to get used to the controls as we all know the 360 d-pad is abysmal for fighting games and I was not going to spend $40 on a special controller for just SF4. I'd say I got the hang of it now and using the analog stick is not half bad. I've played it for a little over 11 hours and have enjoyed every second of it. It looks great and runs at a steady frame rate. (At first I thought it would suffer from frame drops). The online matches run smoothly for the most part and the amount of unlockables is overwhelming. I've played against some really good players online that pretty much wiped the floor with me at first as well as those other players that do one move over and over and constantly run away. I'm surprised I haven't seen any quitters especially on ranked fights.

In the end I believe I did the right thing. If I was never going to play Gears of War 2 again why not have it pay for a game that I can see my self playing diligently until the release of Resident Evil 5 March 13, 2009. It felt odd trading in the game and seeing them place one of those horrid yellow stickers on the cover (I'm picky about the box conditions when I purchase games so when I buy used from gametop I try really hard to get rid of those yellow stickers as much a possible).

If you have not picked up Street Fighter 4 hurry now to the nearest game retailer and pick up a copy. You will not regret it.


Getting Older / RE5 demo.

Yup so today was my 19th birthday and I had to go to school. :lol:

It's barely my second day into the semester so you really have to show up unless you want to jeopardize your seat in the class.(Budget cuts are to blame)

I feel old now being in my last teen year. I was surprisingly tired today in class especially Astronomy.

Maybe it's because I just recovered from a broken ankle so I haven't been as active I used to be.

Now to some gaming news (it IS gamespot after all)

I can finally talk about the RE5 demo even though I had played it a while back (never mentioned it before because not many had it).

Resident Evil 5 Demo:

It's pretty much what I expected it to be from the moment I saw the first gameplay videos; a buffed up version of RE4. By no means is that bad nor does it disappoint me. There is only one thing that can disappoint me and that is if Capcom does not include mercenaries mode because that is where the replay value for RE4 was and RE5 will be. The visuals were breath taking on 42'' HDTV and the sound/music really add to the tension. One gripe though, Shivas AI in the single player is HORRIBLE! The chainsaw majini kept getting HER ending my game until I said, "You know what? Give me your SMG and I will unleash on him." And soon enough he went down with ease.

The demo pretty much sealed the deal with me. RE5 will be a day one pick up for the 360. And if a miracle were to happen and RE5 came to the Wii then I would pick that up as well. (Once you play RE4 on the Wii there is no going back to the NGC, PS2 and PC versions)

I might put up a video later of how to beat both levels with ease in single player since so many people complain about the difficulty.

BTW if you have Left 4 Dead join this Union. We need more people. Once more join expect a game night where we will play some versus mode and have a good time online. :)

Well that's pretty much it.


Merry Christmas Gamespot!

Pretty much the title says it all.

List of the loot:

Prince of Persia (this game is awesome :D. Review coming soon)

Silent Hill: Homecoming (Good Survival Horror game but its annoying that save spots are too far aprt from each other)

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar (joke from a friend. Definitely going on my desk)

Lost Odyssey ( :lol: four discs. About an hour of talking before you actually start to fight and level up. Not a problem though. Jansen is funny)

Acoustic-Electric Guitar (Awesome is the only word I can think of to describe it. Can with an Amp too so now I have two.)

What I did all day:

NOTHING!! :lol:

It was raining and really windy so nothing outdoors. I finished Gears or War 2 on Insane and played a couple of public matches over Xbox LIVE with some friends. (BTW, the online has been surprisingly fast the last three days)

Not much left to do in the day its 9:30 pm here. I'll just go play my new guitar. :D

Well thats pretty much it. :)


Officially on Vacation

Title says it all. I just took my final for Statistics and it was not as hard as I had first expected. It was just really long with essay questions at the end.

Anyways I get 40 days off :shock: so I will be back for my second college semester on January 26, 2009. (a day before my birth day :( )

Lets see...

I got Prince of Persia and Silent Hill Homecoming. I've yet to play them since I decided to wrap them up to put under the Christmas tree. I got other gifts from family which I have no idea what they are and I'm still trying to guess what my girlfriend's "special" gift is. Oh well... that reminds me I still have to buy her a gift. :shock:

I do not enjoy shopping.

That's pretty much it. :D

Does not get lamer than this :P

It finally happened.

I broke my first bone. :) :?

I was playing Football with a couple of college buddies. I ran out to set my self up for a pass. The QB throws the ball at me. I jump to catch it. While in mid-air, I get tackled. I stuck my left leg out and when I landed my ankle twisted and cracked. I could not move my foot and it was starting to hurt pretty bad. I was taken to the hospital and sure enough my ankle was cracked.

I've been home just resting for a couple of days now. My girlfriend has been by my side the whole time and its great. I can't drive which blows because I hate being driven around and to top it all off; its the last week of class and next week is finals.

Anyways there is a first time for everything and I guess it was my time to break my first bone. :lol:

For the record... I caught the ball and did not drop it after I had hit the ground.

Only two weeks left

My first semester in college has almost come to an end. Just Friday and next week of class time left. My Finals are 1 on Tuesday the 16th and 3 on Wed. 17th.

Wish me luck! :)

Its been a while...really. (Epic Length)

I got my Xbox 360 about 4 months ago (September 9). I knew that the 2008 fall/winter was going to be filled with so many blockbuster releases. I just did not know that I was not going to be able to control myself. :P

I previously posted a list of the games that I was looking forward to. I thought I would be able to pace myself on buying these games but that failed.

Here is the list of all the games that I have bought since I got my 360 that were released AFTER I got my 360 as well my impressions on listed games.

*Note not all games that I bought were only for the 360*

Lets begin:

Dead Space

My first $60 I bought for the 360. I'm not going to go into so much detail because my last blog post pretty much covered that. I'll admit that this game was completely out of my radar until about a week before it was released. The game is good but you won't see yourself playing through it more than twice. I don't regret buying it because I had a blast with it.

Fable 2

The reason I got a 360. I played the original about 10 times through. Not even kidding. One of the play throughs I did I was never hit by an enemy severe enough to get a single scar.

Fable 2 was a great game but it could have definitely been better. The main story was great, the side quests were lacking quantity and the multiplayer was not what I was expecting. All problems aside I still really enjoyed the game and played it for about 20 hours before I finished the game. Right now the game is on hold until the DLC is released sometime in the next couple of months. I hope that will expand the game play greatly and actually motivate me to play through it once again. The game was only fun while it lasted because after you finish the game and continue there really isn't anything left to do. :(

Fallout 3

I took a risk with this game because I had never played the first two. I still haven't played the first two but Fallout 3 is one of the best games I have played in a while. The entire story is enjoyable to play though and the V.A.T.S is just plain awesome. It's a tough game to get into but once you do you won't be able to stop playing. My only problem with the game is the exploration when you are at a very low level. If you find a Super Mutant at level 2 and you only have a 10mm pistol you should RUN! The ending was incredibly funny. I won't ruin it but I will say one thing, "Liberty Prime." Possible Game of the Year in my book.

Gears of War 2

Where to begin with this one... hmmmm. The single player was a blast to play through in hardcore difficulty (I've only played a couple of chapters on Insane). There were some parts where I was thinking to myself, "Ok. What just happened?" but overall the game's story was pretty understandable. Horde was a great addition to the game. My friends and I literally spent a whole Saturday playing through all 50 waves on hardcore difficulty. It was fun. Lots of funny moments like my friend saying, "Cover me while I run for ammo" and three seconds after he leaves he gets boomed. :lol:

Now for the bad part. The multiplayer in general. I hated having to search through every game in Gears 1 just to play a ranked match with them. They fixed that but now I can't even find a match. It's not my connection either. The ranking system is to blame in my opinion. You have a team with one 5th rank and all 1st and second ranks and you will have a hell of a time trying to find a match because the system tries to find you a team of similar skill. (What are the chances for the previous mentioned team)? The online is also laggy and full of glitchers. I mean come on! Boomshield with a lancer out instead of a pistol? The game is fun if you can find a match. Other than that I just stuck with the campaign and Horde.

Left 4 Dead

Another game that was not in my radar until about a week before it was released. Only one word can describe this game... incredible. Four survivors against a never ending wave of Olympic caliber zombies. (Those guys are fast :shock: ) I was immediately sold. Only four campaigns is kind of short but the modes that you can play them on is makes up for it. Versus mode is the real star of the show. Four people as survivors and four as special infected through the campaign is just a win, win in my book. Only problem is that you can only play two of the four campaigns in versus mode. Multiplayer Game of the Year in my book.

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

I took a risk with this one since I was against the vehicle focus of the game. I'm glad I took the risk. This game is just fun. It can get a little repetitive but it's not too bad. I've only played through three different worlds so I don't have much to say about it yet except that using an airplane is really, REALLY fun to use.

Call of Duty World at War

My second CoD game to ever play. A great campaign with an awesome ending (not talking about Nazi Zombies but the actual last mission ending). The multiplayer was everything that I was expecting and then some. This game is also much more difficult if not cheaper than Call of Duty 4 on veteran difficulty. Those Japanese soldiers sure love to SPAM grenades. It also doesn't help that your squad is a dumb a stump. In the first mission in WaW at the part where you see a bunch of Japanese soldiers lying down only to see a flare rise up and being ambushed two of my squad members were in the shack shooting at the walls pretending to shot the enemy. :| And no they were not shooting through the walls because I had to Rambo it and run out of cover to kill most of them. But that's just a minor inconvenience. WaW is still a great game that adds yet another quality title to the Call of Duty series. I can't wait to see what Infinity Ward does with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. (The name was confirmed apparently)

Banjo Kazooie

Yeah I got the original today. I have but one thing to say about this game. It's a lot easier than I remember it being ten years ago. :P

Final Fantasy II (PSP)

Haven't played this game enough to give my inquisition. It looks nice and sounds great but the leveling system is a little iffy.

Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)

I don't even know why I got this game. I've only played it three times since I got it about a month ago. Not the game I was expecting.

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

I'm at the point where I get the hourglass for the first time. Pretty good so far and the controls are actually nice. I'll probably finish get back to this game over winter break. (Just two more weeks :D )

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)

My favorite Castlevania on the DS so far. This game is hard though so be warned if you are new to the series. Not too hard but still hard nonetheless. I'm stuck on Blackmore right now so I haven't been playing it. I will definitely get to it later though.

Metal Slug 7 (DS)

I got it today and have only played one mission. Looks like the ****c Metal Slug game especially resembling Metal Slug 6 which was ok. (I have all the other Metal Slug games as part of the Anthology on the PSP)

Chrono Trigger (DS)

I just turned the game off before I started writing this blog to find out how to actually save my file. :P I love the soundtrack of this game so far. I'm really looking forward to playing this game more.

There you have folks. All the games that I have recently purchased. As you can tell, buying these games so quickly has caused some to just sit on my shelf waiting their turn to be played. I don't see myself buying games for a while unless I am convinced that Prince of Persia for the 360 is worth $60 even though it's too easy like I've heard. That's pretty much it.

If I get another game that I think deserves a mention I'll make sure to mention it on my next blog.

Thanks for reading! :D

- DJSAV_101

P.S. I'm always looking for people to play online with Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty World at War. Send me a friend request on Xbox LIVE or leave your gamer tag and I will see you online. :)

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