DJSanat's forum posts
here is the pic....
yes!me too!i wasted ma' 50 bucks!bought this game!
installed...........cracked..............then started.........
and then i said.........."what the ....!"
yes take a look
now what do i do?
ei hav a great pc i install mercenaries 2 and when i play it..............there are big blocks especialy where there is lightning my pc:
intel core 2 duo E7650
nvidia 8800gt
4gb of there any patch?
dudes in these specs u won't believe.......i hav played
farcry 2 ,crysis,warhead,dead space,nfs undercover,bioshock,bully,underworld(tombraider!),rainbow six 2 vegas,pop 2008 because ma' card is
nvidia geforce 6200 "XFX"!(new series!)
ppl here are ma' pc specs plz reccomend me a few games.NOTE:i can play on even lowest detail and 5-10 FPS just name the game(which came in year2008 )....
intel pentium D 2.66 ghz:evil:
nvidia geforce 6200 XFX
2 gigs of ram
on windows xp
dante,nero,duke nukem,max payne,marcus fenix,al pacino ofcourse in scarface video game!
pacman?then u''ll say mario was in matrix!
om excited for
bioshock 2
saints row 2
f.e.a.r 2
gta 4:lost and damned
just cause 2
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