Rest In Peace Ryu Hayabusa. You showed us that we were good enough to beat a game without pushing a single button all the time, or demanding that we pressed giant buttons flashing in the screen for a scene. You respected us as players and let us play instead of watch...
NG3 has high technical "PROS", but heartbreaking "CONS". Enough, nostalgic people like me really sounds boring.
If they reboot the series it won't sell. God of War and Uncharted generation can't endure a game without giant enemies, cinematic sequences and explosions. People talking about "open-world gameplay" would crucify Capcom if they locked players inside a mansion for e.g. Oh! The horror!
Drugdealers here in south america are blaming games too. If Gun Control Laws kicks in they're in trouble. Where else could they buy guns like you buy pants? Let's handshake!
If the Ban Hammer swings over the violent games, we'll be forced to play Nintendo games that are "Trapped by their own Legacy" lol gamespot. I can live with that.
@Bread_or_Decide @DMND That one is true, Mario will always save the goddamn princess, meanwhile those supertitles will always show us a brand new storyline ripped from 80's movies.
@ocidax @jinzo9988 @DMND C'mon really, I buy Nintendo consoles for Marios, Zeldas, Kirbys and those crazy Wario games. Who would buy it if they could not play any of those titles?
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