@uncle5555: I used to follow Jaffe's career too until but it seems like he is trying so hard to put out another Twisted Metal, or God of War, and he just keeps coming up way short. He definitely made the PS3 TM the way he wanted and didn't listen to any input from fans. Hopefully someone,if not Jaffe, can take the title and turn it back into a must play type of game.
Jaffe should make another Twisted Metal and stick to the formula that worked. Each car has its own driver with its own twisted backstory. The PS3 game got too cute with only three drivers and barely any returning well known vehicles. The helicoptor was an awful idea and the boss battles were way overthought. Twisted Metal Black deserves a true sequel. That game was awesome.
Worth shelling out the money for the switch? Or wait until there's more titles available? Ocarina of Time is in my top 3 games ever. Comparable? Is there actual dungeons or is it similar to Fallout where you just explore new areas.
@Blade_Runner_07: I'm curious to know why they dropped the Fog of War project in favor of Advanced Warfare. I'm glad they're getting back into story telling surrounding a war that's has actually happened. I've said for years that Activision should have their three developers make a past war game, modern war game, and future war game to scratch everyone's back every three years.
@Blade_Runner_07: that's exactly my point. While sledgehammer does have three years to develop a game for Activision, it is possible they have been told to shelf their current project after backlash from the Infinite Warfare teaser to "go back to their roots" and make a shooter based on an actual war.
@Blade_Runner_07: look up Call of Duty Fog of War. Sledgehammer was making a Vietnam based game when Activision stepped in and had them redo the game to make it more futuristic. They ended up releasing Advanced Warfare. Its not impossible to change the direction of a game mid-development.
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