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Rampage =( Oblivion =)

Rampage was not funny at all, it is more anoying then anything else.

I bought myself Eldar Scrolls IV: Oblivion and it owns. I really like this game, even thou it looks like the main story is very short.

More Updates yet to come

not here

Rampage:Total Destruction have been sent to me

to bad it havent landed in my house yet...


Im tired but cant sleep

thats a bad sign

maybe I should play some more games


Tomorrow is a day of Rampage

(and some Exalted havoc)

yes Rampage: Total Destruction comes out tomorrow, and I will play it, I will destroy the whole world MOAHAHA


Now its only 2days left
to what? to Rampage:Total Destruction of course

yeah yeah its already out in the US, I know that, but I dont live in the US I live here in sweden, here its out in 2days.

well well well
I will play my old Final Fantasy 7 untill it comes out

Kingdom Hearts 2 is in the distance future I gues I need another game untill it releases


Im waiting for Rampage:Total Destruction and Kingdom Hearts 2
In the main time I downloaded some free games for X-box360
I hope they dont suck to bad


3days left
then it is Total Destruction

Why is Square Enix Europe so slow I mean comon its not so much different betwen Kingdom Hearts 2 US version and Europe version, same controls same launguage. Still it takes 6mounths for the lazy people to make it come here


in 4 days the new Rampage:Total Destuction comes to Europe
and I have ofc already ordered it
lets brake some citys

I really want Kingdom Hearts 2 to come to Sweden right now
Actually whats the big different betwen the US version and the EU?