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DSfreak789 Blog

My aim

By the 1st of February 2009 I want to have at least 200 contacts.

Far-out man!!! I have just realised I have 3 butterflys has emblems!!!

That big blog post!!

You know that really long blog post with all my posts in one? Well I deleted it because it was really annoying. Any way, it's gone now.

In the previous blog post

In the previous blog post the images and links have been taken out and I don't know why. That's one long log. Well, how I did it was copied and pasted all my blog posts onto Word, did it up a little and pasted it back onto one other blog post. Lot of effort required!! :)

Are you...

Are you allowed:

To post stories (no swearing)?

To post stories (little bit of swearing - some words have *'s on them)?

Toshare cool websites?

Just making sure so I don't offend anyone or break Gamespot rules.

Just a few questions:

Please answer these questions if you have time.

a. I am in an union and I'm a recruit. Is that better than being an officer?

b. It's taken FAR more than an hour to change my user icon and banner. And yes I DID upload them. So... What's going on?

c. How often should I update my user icon and banner?

d. I am thinking about making an union. Is there anything I should know? Tips?

For now,


I am still unsure...

Well, I have changed my user icon and banner now, so I'm happy. But I still don't get why, when I insert an image it doesn't work!!

Does anyone know why?

Finally... I have updated my blog

After several comments to change my blog, I have finally changed my user icon and have got a new banner from Jamez634!! Thank-you Jamez634, I think it's fantastic!!! While I am posting this blog, the banner wasn't quite up yet. Same with the User icon. It's just taking a while to update probaly, but it should be there within an hour.

I'm really excited because I haven't changed my user icon or banner ever!!! It's the same one since I joined.

A bit of help please

Do you see my "My Friends" List on the left hand side?, Well Jamez634 and diggeryboy36 are my best friends on Gamespot, but they're no on the side. So what I'm asking is, can you choose who goes on the quick list and who doesn't?

Any way, I have that party at 5pm (GMT+11). It's at a gymnastics place and I'm not good at gymnastics. What if I embarrass myself in front of girls? :? I'll never show my face in Australia again! But I must look at the upside. There are other boys who don't do gymanstics, going to the party. Wish me luck!!

On the previous blog "Pain in the Neck", WaZelda said something like "You would have won that good deed comp." and that might be true! What an idiot I am!!

A pain in the neck

Recently life hasn't been the best, if you know what I mean?

Well to start off with, I think my brother has just erased all the Mario Kart Ds data. So now I have to start over again! All I needed to do was unlock one more character and unlock 4 grand prix courses on 150cc. When I found out, I just stared at the DS screen for at least two minutes. What a pain my brother is!!

Second of all, my brother plays more sports than me, which means I have to give up more time than him and yet he expects me to do heaps of stuff with me.

Thirdly, I have tried to register on the Maroondah Leader website, but it keeps on saying "Error." so I gave up.

Fourthly, for school they have just given us a book report on a famous author beacuse we have one visiting the school. Him visiting the schoo bit is okay but the book report is bad. Now beacuse I have it, my mum is saying "Do your homework or...(something bad like, no computer until it's done) and stuff like that! Far-out man!!

Fifthly, At school, they had this thing where you had to do something good for another person. I did, but I forgot to enter it! I could of had a really good chance on winning! (The good deed is in the second last paragraph).

But there are the up sides! I am invited to a girl's party tomorrow at a gymnastics place. That same girl also sang at the Caufield Cup today!

I have also recently just helped the police find a lost kid on a very rainy day. I feel really proud of myself!

So now you know I how I feel!